🌺•𝐈𝐜𝐲-𝐇𝐨𝐭 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐝•🌺

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A/N: Okay guys, I change my mind, im gonna post whenever I want during the day. I might do 2 or more chapters in a day, it just depends on how I feel/how bored I am. And its always Deku's POV unless said otherwise! Enjoy, young heroes! Plus Ultra!

As I got off the bus I was amazed at how big U.A is. I knew it was big, but not like this!

Stop admiring the view and get to class! I thought, running through the halls. I looked up.

1-A right? I think that's my class..

I slowly opened the door and a few sets of eyes stare at me. I can see Kacchans eyes burn a hole into my chest.

I sat down behind him as he glared at me in rage.

Bakugo POV:
How did that useless nerd get into U.A?! He must have cheated somehow! He doesn't have a quirk!

Deku looked at me in fear as I stared into his soul. He took a seat behind me.

"Tsk, useless Deku! You just got lucky you got into U.A!" I whispered to him.

"Im gonna beat your ass! Meet me in the ally and 3 sharp Deku!"

Deku POV:

Kacchan told me to meet him in the ally at 3. Should I? I don't want him to kill me! Im supposed to do it!

Plus, 3 was when I was going to the roof. I guess I'll postpone till tomorrow if he doesn't kill me today.


Ochaco and Iida walk over to my desk. They greet me and we talk for a while until a..yellow cocoon rolls into the room? What kind of quirk is that?

I start to pull out my (hero notebook thing??) to sketch his figure.

He soon reveals it's a sleeping bag.


He introduces himself as Aizawa and tells us to get our gym clothes and meet him outside. He slides back into his sleeping bag and rolls away.

How is he a teacher? Here of all places? I thought as we exited the room.

(Let's pretend our sweet child Deku doesn't know its eraser head okay?)

Kacchan pushes me and walks in front of me. Iida starts doing that hand thing and scolds Kacchan while Ochaco asks why he's so sour to me. I tell her our backstory and what happened to us.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry that happened to your friendship! I hope it gets better!" She says out of pity.

I put on my signature fake smile as I reassure her I'm fine.


We went into the locker rooms and put our gym clothes on. I noticed a boy who has red and white hair staring at me.

I guess I should introduce myself later. No, he doesn't want to be your frien-

He walks over to me, interrupting my thoughts.

"Um, hi. I'm Shoto Todoroki..and I was wondering if you wanted to be friends?" He said. (Here we go! Relationship development! <3) I stood there, clearly shocked at his words.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, grabbing my hand.

"Oh! No, I'm fine! And, sure I would love to be your friend! I'm Izuku Midoriya! Nice to meet you!" I said, a bit flustered at his actions.

He soon noticed that he was still holding my hand.

"Sorry.." He apologizes, dropping my hand.

"Heh, it's fine..!" I say.

"So..wanna hang out today? Maybe 3?" He asked.

I remembered I was meeting with Kacchan at 3.

"Sorry..I need to meet someone today at 3..maybe we could tomorrow at 3?" I said.

"Sure, that's fine."

Okie! Author-chan here once again! I didnt know I was this good at writing!!! Anyways, now Deku and Todoroki are friends! *Finally*! Also, I dont really write long chapters so yk!

| • Word count: 670! • |

Go Beyond! Lemme hear a.. PLUS ULTRA! ✨

Edit: this chapter had been successfully edited! Yayy! You might notice a few changes if you decide to read this again! Byeee 💕

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