🌺•𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐞•🌺

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A/N: The reads on this book is growing sooo quickly! Tysm for that, and enjoy! Plus Ultra!

Todoroki POV:
I walked away from Midoriya, flustered. Why do I feel this way about him? We just met, and now I have feelings for him? What's going on with me?! I thought.

I walked out the building, still flustered, as I saw Midoriya in an ally with some guy. I realise he's crying. What? Is he okay? I ask myself. "Touch me, I scream." I hear him say. He's being harassed! I need to go help! I tell myself. I run into the ally and punch the stranger in the stomach.

"Oh my god Midoriya! Are you okay? What happened?!" I ask frantically. He explains what happened as I stand there in shock. I offer to go over to my house instead of the movie, so he could collect himself. He agreed and we walked to my house. About half way there, I ask if I could carry him the rest of the way. He just stood there for a second, but after a bit he said yes.

We get to my house as I offer to make him food. He politely declined. I never see Midoriya eat..strange. I think.

"So..would you like to watch a movie?" I ask. "Sure!" He says. We sit down on the couch as I pick the movie. Within 15 or so minutes into the movie he falls asleep on my chest. He looks so adorable when he sleeps.. I thought as a stroke his fluffy hair. I also fell asleep a few minutes after.

Deku POV:
I woke up on Todoroki's chest. Wait..TODOROKI'S CHEST?! AHH!! (Gay panic 😂)I got flustered as soon as I realise where I am.

"Uh..Todoroki wake up-" I start to whisper. I soon figure out he's already awake, scrolling through his phone. (Todohoe addicted to that phone am I right or am I right?) "Oh hey..glad you're up. We should probably get going.." He says. He also looks flustered. I wonder why? (Deku with his oblivious self-) "Yeah.." I get up stretch. "Do you have a hair brush?" I ask. "Yeah, i'll go get it." He says, walking away.

{^^^ le time skip brought to you by: Bakugo as a dog, pt.2! ^^^}

In class, all I could think about was Todoroki. Do I have a crush on him? Since when..? I think.

I suddenly remember that I was going to commit today. I frown as I think about it. "MY LORD! DEKU SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY! STOP MUMBLING!!" Kacchan yells. "Sorry.." I say. I continue thinking, putting my head down. I completely zone out for the remaining of class, thinking about my suicide attempt...and I guess Todoroki too. He's always there to save me..that means I must be such a burden. I had to sleep in his house because I was too weak to defend myself! This is why im better if I dissapear.

Soon enough, class was over. I walk out the door, and up the stairs to the roof. As I walk towards the edge, I hear..a voice? I turn back as I see Todoroki in the doorway to the roof.

"NO! STOP! DONT, PLEASE!" He yells as he runs toward me. "Why not? Why do you care anyway?" I ask, tears falling down my face. "Because your my friend...I dont want my friend to die! Just, please stop." He contuinues, "Why-what made you do this? Is it something someone di-" I cut him off. "NO! THATS THE POINT! NO ONE CARES! I DONT CARE EITHER! IM SUCH A BURDEN, WASTE OF SPACE..I DONT DESERVE TO LIVE! DONT YOU GET IT?" I yell. "Well..I care! I care a lot about you! Im sure your friends and family do too!" He says. He really does seem to care.

I can tell I have a shocked look in my face, yet I cant feel it.

Im numb.

I sob as I fall into Todoroki's arms. I grip the back of his uniform and hard as I could, sobbing into his chest. He puts his arms around me as he comforts me. "Shh. It'll be alright. Your okay." He says in a comforting tone.

I..I love you Todoroki. But..how do I tell you?

Okay! That chapter was..intense! My fingers are cramped from all that. PLUS NOW DEKU REALISES HIS FEELINGS FOR TODOROKI!! YAY! 🎉 And with that, Go beyond! Lemme hear a..PLUS ULTRA!

*If you or anyone you know is feeling suicidal, tell someone. Im sure they will get you help. Ending your life isn't the answer!*

| • Word count: 790! • |
| • Fake smile count: 7! • |

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