🌺•𝐈𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐮, 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞?!•🌺

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A/N: um so I haven't posted in like ages lol he's an actual chapter

3rd person POV:

"Hmm.. I don't understand why you passed out like that, Izuku." Recovery Girl examines Deku one more time.

"Heh, I don't know either! I had a little trouble sleeping last night, however." He smiles it off and rubs his neck. He's trying to hide his trembling from all that blood loss. Deku doesn't want anyone to find out about what he's done.

"I still can't think of any reason why you just up right and passed out!" Recovery Girl has a mixed expression on her face. 

"Well.. I might as well let you go. If I think of anything, I'll call you back and I can examine you, Izuku! Until then, take care! Don't hurt yourself!" The greyish-brown haired woman smiles at Deku as he gets up. He walks to the door and then stops suddenly.

 "Take care as well, Recovery Girl!" He smiles and walks out of the clinic. 

What a sweet boy.. Recovery Girl thinks, watching him walk away.


1st Person POV (Deku):

I walk into my dorm, closing the door and sighing in relief. 

Thank god Recovery Girl didn't suspect anything.. not yet anyways.. wahh I hope she doesn't figure it out!!! I sweatdrop, worrying about the endless possibilities of Recovery Girl finding out about me hurting myself. 

I turn around to unwrap my bandages and replace them.  (help I literally don't remember how I wrote this story 😭😭😭😭 if things are wrong please forgive me!!! author-chan is struggling, okay grrrrr ☠️) 

As I take my bandages off and start cleaning my wounds, I hear a knock on my door. 

Who's there.?

 I get up and hide my arms under my long-sleeved sweatshirt. 

"Coming!" I yell slightly, walking towards the door. As I open it, I see a worried Shoto.

 "Hey Sho! What's the matt-"

 He cuts me off. 

"What's the actual reason you fainted back there?..It doesn't make any sense.." He looks at me with a worried expression. 

"I really don't know myself," I lie. I can't let Shoto know tha- 

"I know something is up. Please.. don't lie to me.." 

Dammit. I have to tell him now. What do I do..  

"Uhh.. I need to use the restroom.! I-I'll be back!"  

I run off into the bathroom, slamming the door shut. 



1st Person POV (Todoroki):

Why won't Izuku tell me the truth? I know something is going on. I know about his ED, but could he be-

 "Uhh.. I need to use the restroom.! I-I'll be back!"

 "Wait Izuku I-" 

He cuts me off by slaming the door. I try to twist the nob, but it won't open. 

"Izuku I just want to help you," I say softly against the door. 

 He doesn't answer me.

 "Izuku c'mon.."

 He still doesn't answer me. 

"I'm worried, Izuku. Please just.. open the door," I wait for a second.


 "I don't want you to worry about me.," 

He says, slightly cracking the door open. As I embrace him, he starts to cry. 

"Oh Izuku.." I can't help but worry about him. 

"I-I'm sorry.. I shouldn't be crying right now, I-"

 "Shh.. I understand,"

 I don't.

 "Just rest Izu.." As I pull him in, his sleeve goes up a bit. 

What? What are these.? 

H-..h-he can't be..-? 


"Yes, Shoto?.."

"What are these?" (hehe dramatic cliffhanger heheherdhufh)

OMG OMG OMG I FINALLU FINISHED A CHAPTER WAHHHHWRHTEHMHTE guys I'm so proud of myself but omg TYSM for 700+ reads??? huH?? like since when like the other day there was like 500 smith but now its 700??? huh???? but um I had zero motivation for months I'm super wupper sowwy my pookie wookie smookiwe bears:)) um but i feel like my writing got better over the time that I u haven't been writing hehe but I only have one day of school left which is tmr and rn I'm on my school chromebook after 1/2 finals I have to take today!?!?!??  bro I hate tests fr lol bye


| • Word Count: 702• |
| • Gay Panic Count: 5 • |
| • Cliffhanger Count: 9 • |

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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