🌺•𝐍𝐨, 𝐍𝐨, 𝐍𝐨!•🌺

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A/N: I just thought it would be funny putting that as the picture for this chapter 🤣 also my grandma took my device where I write this book, but I got it back like 2 seconds ago bc she said I could put it on the charger. Plus I'm pretty sure she said to put in on the charger in HER room, but I'm just using this excuse so I get my baby back 🥺 ANNNNND that's why this is late.. Also bc I forgot... 😅 Plus Ultra! ✨

3rd Person:
Once Deku was finished cutting himself he cleaned off his dagger. He got so caught up in his sorrow that he forgot to bandage them. (uh oh.................)

I wouldn't want my knife to be covered in... B-bloo-

he fell to the ground and passed out from exhaustion and a little blood loss. Once he woke up again, ironically enough, it was time for class. He put on this uniform at went out the door.

He kept his head low. Since Kacchan posted that picture on Instagram, everyone knows now. It's all my fault! Why am I so stu-

he bumped into someone.

"Oh, hey Deku! Are you alright?" Uraraka asked. "Y-you don't know?" He said sheepishly. "Know what?" The brown haired girl asks. "Well.. Kacchan posted a picure on Instagram.. And it was of me and him kissing.. BUT IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK! He tricked me.. To get back at me for making it to this school. And getting 'in his way.'" He says.

"Oh my gosh! Weren't you dating Todoroki?? What about him?" Uraraka asked, worried for her friend.

"He thinks it's real.. He won't believe me!" Deku says, putting his face in his hands.

"Hey, hey. It's alright! This will all be sorted out soon.. I'm sure of it!" Uraraka says happily. "Thanks, Uraraka. I hope you're right." He says, aiming to be positive.

As they both walk to class together, Kirishima shoves Deku aside.

"Cheater." He says, scoffing.

Deku looks down at the floor. "Come on, just keep walking. You'll forget about it soon enough!" Uraraka says cheerfully. "You're right. Okay." When they get into the classroom, everyone glares at Deku while Bakugo smirks. Todoroki is looking the opposite direction, not wanted to see his cheating ex-boyfriend. (Let's pretend they broke up bc I didn't put that in the last chapter 😭)

Deku sits down. A bit after class begins, red liquid soaks his blazer. Somehow he doesn't notice..


A small pool of blood starts to form on his desk while Deku starts to feel dizzy. What's going on.. He asks himself, trying to figure what's happening. That's when he notices the blood. No no no!! This can't be happening! What do I do?? What if someone notices.. He thinks frantically. He puts his face in his hands once again. He needs to get out of this.

He has to.

Meanwhile, Todoroki notices his sleeves. He didn't.. Todoroki thought. This is my fault...why did I have to yell at him like that! You know he would never.. He thinks, frowning.

Todoroki soon realizes he keeps extra bandages in his bag. He reached down and unzipped his bag. He grabs the bandages and his phone. (Oh ho ho, sneaky lil boi we have here...................) Todoroki opens his messages.

Icy-Hot💙❤ is online.

Icy-Hot💙❤: IZUKU I'M SORRY FOR NOT BELIEVING YOU!! IDK I WAS JUST SHOCKED AND UPSET..AND I SHOULD HAVE KNOW BETTER! Sorry for yelling, but I have bandages.. As soon as you see this I'll give them to you. It's all my fault you hurt yourself and I'm so sorry. I hope you and me can get together again. Ily <3

Todoroki sent the message. I hope he forgives me.. He thinks.

He hears Deku's phone ding quietly. He picks it up and looks at the message. Deku looks at the message in shock and looks at Todoroki. Todoroki smiles and slides the bandages over to him.

'Thank you' Deku mouths. 'You're welcome' Todoroki mouths back.

Deku stares at his arm for a bit before taking off his blazer. The arm is soaked in blood, and so is his desk. He can't do anything about the desk right now, so he quickly bandages his arm. Once it's bandaged, he folds up his blazer and puts it in his bag.

Two or three seconds later, class ends. Deku seems relived, while Todoroki looks anxious.

Todoroki runs up to Deku. "Deku I'm so sorry please forgive me I must be the worst boyfriend ever and it's all my-" Deku cuts him off. "I forgave you already.. And it's not your fault. It's Kacchan's fault! P-please don't be blame yourself.." Deku pleads.

"I'm glad, but I'm still sorry.." Todoroki says, holding open his arms. "Hug?" He says smiling. Deku runs into his arms, tearing up a bit while clenching on to his boyfriend's shirt tightly.

I guess Uraraka was right in the end..

OMG FINALLY I GOT THIS OUT! IN SORRY I DIDN'T POST EARLIER! IF YOU READ THE A/N YOU KNOW WHY!!!!!! Anyway, I can't believe this book is almost at 300 reads! My goal! Tysmmmmm! Also this one isn't reeeeeeeeeeally a cliffhanger..........so uh...Go Beyond! Lemme hear a.... Plus Ultra! ✨

| • Word Count: 896 • |
| • Cliffhanger Count: 5 • |
| • Gay Panic Count: 3 • |

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