🌺•𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐞, 𝐈 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦•🌺

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A/N: Tysm for 14 reads, I really appreciate it! Im glad you like my writing! Im glad I chose to write this story, because im literally never bored anymore..Plus, I want to get at least 50 reads! Could you share? If not its fine too! Now enjoy young heroes! Plus Ultra!

⚠️TW: Sexual Harassment! If you are uncomfortable with this, feel free to skip!⚠️

Deku POV:
I woke up from a nightmare in a cold sweat, but then I realise that its time to get ready anyway. I get up and start my morning routine. I decide to pass on the cuts today. Just so Todoroki won't notice anything while we hang out. Speaking of that, I wonder where we're going..

I put on my uniform, greet Mom, pass on the food and walk out the door.

[××× le time skip, brought to you by: Bakubitch as a dog! ×××]

I open the door to my chaotic classroom as my friends greet me. I sit down in my seat, only to be greeted by words carved into my desk. 'You got lucky yesterday bastard!' And 'Ur Icy-Hot boyfriend of yours saved you this time, but the next you might not be so lucky!'

I could tell it was from Kacchan. Should I skip hanging out with Todoroki today and just kill myself alread-

"Shut up Deku! Stop mumbling all the time damnit!" Kacchan yells. I manage to say a quick 'sorry' before looking up to see Todoroki walking in. Even though I couldn't see, I knew Kacchan was staring into Todoroki's soul. I could feel it.

I admire how he's not fazed nor intimidated. He's so handsome too- wait what?! Izuku are you gay?! No..im sure im not! right? I met this guy 3 days ago! You don't even know his favorite color is!

He walks over and greets me. "Hey Midoriya. Is your face doing any better?" He asks. "Hello Todoroki-kun! And yes, it is doing better, thanks." I say with a fake smile. (Fake S. Count: 6)

He smiles and waves before going back to his desk and pulling out his phone. Aizawa rolls in and greets the class briefly before announcing that the annual Sports Festival is coming up in 2 months. (I need more time to build the plot bc the sports fest. is when some ..stuff will happen! Im sorryy)

He rolls out the room after telling us that 'he's tired and we have this class as freetime.' Everyone cheered and got up, walking to their friends desks.

I sit at my desk, staring at the marks Kacchan left on my desk. How has no one noticed? See! Your so useless! That's why no one cares! I thought to myself.

I notice Todoroki walk over to my desk once again. He flashes a grinn my way as he crouched beside my desk since im sitting. I blush slightly due to the proximity between our faces.

"Soo, I was thinking about a movie today?" He says. "Sure thats fine. What movie?" I ask. "Umm..hmm. [Insert movie bc idk 😭]?" He asks. "Ooh, sounds interesting! Im in!" I say with a big (fake) grinn. (7 fakos!) "Im glad! Cya there Midoriya!" He says.

My fake smile fades as he walks away. Im sorry, Todoroki. This will be our first and last hang out session. I have to do this. Im doing it for you too you know.. I think as I walk out the building.

As I walk down the street to my home, someone pulls me into an ally. He had his hands on my hips and a smirk on his face. "A little cutie we've got here eh?" He says. "Touch me, I scream." I say harshly at the stranger. "No you won't.." He says put his hand over my mouth. I try to scream but they're muffled. No one can here me. I decide to accept my fate and give in. I didn't notice the tears falling down my face. "Good boy.." He says in a seductive tone as he runs his hand on the inside of my thigh. Right before he could do anything, Todoroki appeared suddenly.

He looked somewhat shocked, but also mixed with rage as he punched the pervert in the stomach and ran over to me. "Oh my god, Midoriya, what happened??" He asked clearly concerned. I explain and he decides to cancel the movie plans. Instead, he invites me to his home to rest and collect myself. I agree as we walk to his home. Half way there he asked, "Hey, you look tired..C'mon, get on my back." I stood there, dumb founded for a moment before I jump onto his back. He carries me back to his house. Why am I so flustered when im with him?! I thought. As we enter, im amazed at how giant, and beautiful Todoroki's home is. He drops me as he sits on a stool in his kitchen. I walk around, admiring his house. "Want me to make some food for you?" He asks. I knew he was good at cooking, but I dont deserve anything today, or ever. I politely declined his offer.

"Okay. Would you like to watch a movie?" He offers, as he gets off the stool. "Sure!" I say. We sat down on the couch next to eachother as he picks a movie. I fall asleep on his chest 15 minutes later. I can feel him stroke my hair as he slowly falls asleep as well.

Awhh! Cute fluff right? Ik! Also, this is another long chapter! Heh..i could be sleeping rn..Anyway, tysm for 14 reads, again! Soooooooo Go beyond! Lemme hear a..PLUS ULTRA! ✨

| • Word count: 963! • |
| •Fake Smile count: 7! • |

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