🌺•𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧•🌺

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A/N: The rest of the photos I put for the top will be random, since there's a glitch in my gallery. I also do gacha edits and stuff, and this is one of them! I have literally MILLIONS of gacha edits (actually). So ig im gonna be putting those on the top for now on? Anyway, enjoy! Plus Ultra! ✨

Kirishima POV:
I knew it was very un-manly of me to help ruin Midobro's life. Bakubro was just so convincing! Plus, I was bored. The plan was to basically spread rumors about Midobro and Todobro. (I cant with the bro 😂) We haven't come up with the rumors yet, but I know they're gonna spread fast. Why? Because this is class 1-A, the most popular class in U.A! This is gonna be fun..

Kaminari POV:
I really didn't want to betray Midoriya, but it just seemed like a change in pace. Im sure he'll forgive us..maybe not Bakugo though. Why does Bakugo wanna do this anyway? What's going on with him..?

Todoroki POV:
Me and Midoriya foreheads touch. I feel his hot skin against mine. I close my eyes, anticipating something to happen. I open my eyes slowly as Midoriya has a smug look on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like th-" He cuts me off my stuffing choclate in my mouth. (🥺)

I look at him in confusion as he silently giggles. (GiGGles xD) He's cute when he laughs..wait am I blushing?

I snap out of my thoughts and start to smirk as I come up with an idea. I take a deep breath as I kiss Midoriya on the lips. He felt surprised at first, but then melted into the kiss. I pull away as he looks down.

I notice him start playing with his fingers. I put my hand in his as he looks at me. I grab a piece of paper. Since im such a coward, I decide to write down my confession. Midoriya looks at me with confusion in his eyes.

(The note)
Uh..I dont know how to say this..I just really like you. You're smart, kind, funny..ect. I just want you to know you're not alone. I will always be there for you if you need anything. Just wanted to let you know..anyway, to the confession. Izuku Midoriya, I love you. Will you be my bf? Its okay if not.. :)

-Todoroki <3

I fold up the note and give it to him. He opens it and starts reading it. He looks..shocked?

Why would I kiss you 3 times if I didn't like you? Thats not something friends do- I think to myself.

He finshes reads the note as his face grows redder by the minute. "I dont like you Todoroki.." He starts to say.

"Oh thats f-" I get interrupted by him smashing his lips onto mine. (DETROIT,,,,,,,,SMAAAAAAAAA-) He pulls away smiling brightly. "I dont just like you, I love you Sho!" He says, hugging me. "Sho?" I ask. "Cute nickname.." I continue. "Your nickname will be..Izu!" I say, smiling. I never really smile.(cuz of yo emo ass friends you got ther-)

He looks at me in awe. "Sho..you never smile," He says. "Its beautiful..could you do it more often? For me..?" He asks, with cute puppy eyes. "I'll try..but can you do something for me too?" I ask.

I just want for him to be happy and healthy. "Could you..eat? I just want for you to be healthy. Starving yourself isn't good Izu." I say firmly. "I'll try..its gonna be hard. I dont know what's going on with me. I wish I could just eat like everyone else." He says. The smile on his face faded into a frown.

"We'll build up to it! One day, you will be able to eat whole meals! Just gotta be patient..!" I say. I try to be as enthusiastic as possible. For Izu. "Okay! I'll try my best!" He says with his signature giant grin.

Im glad its not fake this time.


Hey guys! Tysm for 100 reads! Im glad you like the story so far! Now todo and deku are officially dating! But how will they tell the class?-lol ..there's ur daily dose of cliffhanger! Hmm..ima start a thing with that..HEHE! And im gonna not do the fake smile thing cuz deku is genuinely happy now, and instead do a cliffhanger count, STARTING THIS CHAPTER! OKAY!! AND WITH THAAAAAT, GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA!! ✨

| • Word Count: 773 • |
| • Gay Panic Count: 4 • |
| • Cliffhanger Count: 1 • |

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