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A/N: Most recent gacha edit I made! I made it look an hour ago soo.. *sips peach slushie* I actually made the slushie myself! I just froze peach soda 😋-uhh anyway sorry for the being a bit late. I got sidetracked with talking to my friend for hours and listening to rock 🤘🙃 ummm................. Plus Ultra! ✨

3rd Person POV:
As Deku and Todoroki make up, Kaminari was around the corner. He knew that Bakugo's plan has failed. He felt a bit bad for doing this to his friend, but he just wanted the drama.

(And to continue what he started with Shinso since Bakugo wouldn't stop bugging him about the plan.)

He panicked. I hope Bakugo doesn't beat my ass! What do I do?! He thought. He started to run. I need to tell Bakugo now! Before they fully trust each other again. He hastily thought, running toward Bakugo and Kirishima.

"GUYS! *wheeze* TODOROKI AND DEKU *wheeze* MADE UP! THEY KNOW IT WAS A *wheeze* HOAX!" He yells. "STOP YELLING DUMBASS! EVERYONE IS GONNA HEAR YOU!" Bakugo whisper-yells. "Right. Sorry." He says. "Yeah yeah, whatever. But they made up?! We need to do something!" He says, furrowing his brows.

"Im here you know.. " Kirishima continues. "And I have an idea." He says confidently. "Yeah? What is it? " Bakugo says, looking at him in the eyes. "I-i... Uhh.. F-forgot?" Kirishima mumbles, blushing. (GAY PANIC YOU GUYSSSSSS 🏳‍🌈) "Umm okay?" Bakugo says... Surprisingly nice.

"Looks like someone's got a crush..~" Kaminari says, smirking. "NO I DON'T! SHUT UP!" Kirishima blushes.

"You do too Kacchan~" Kaminari teases.

"W-what?! I-I MEAN...NO I DON'T YOU DUMBASS! ALSO DON'T CALL ME THAT OR ELSE I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BLOW YOUR FACE OFF!" Bakugo yells, attempting to hide his blush. It's not working. (Ayyyy KiriBakuuuuuuuuuu <3)

Kaminari smirks. "I won't help with your plan until you guys get together!" Kaminari yells from across the hall, walking away. Kirishima and Bakugo get a few glances. "SHUT UP PIKACHU BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS!" Bakugo yells, running toward him. Kirishima grabs his hand (looking like a tomato) and points ahead. Bakugo looked in the direction he was pointing, and saw Iida scolding Kaminari for running in the halls. Bakugo laughs and flips him off before turning back to Kirishima.

Kirishima looks back, flustered. "I-i.. Thanks for.. Uh.. Being there for me and stuff. Im not the best with feelings-" Kirishima cuts him off by kissing him passionately. Bakugo has actually liked Kirishima ever since they've met.

He was always so..


They are solar opposites, but don't they say opposites attract?

Anyway, Kirishima pulls away, flustered. Bakugo looks shocked. "I-im sorry.. I just-" Bakugo lifts his chin and kisses him again. Soon enough, he pulls away.

"I.. Like like you.. I don't know how to say this.. Stupid emotions!" Bakugo mumbles, clearly flustered. "I do too.. Do you wanna? You know. Go out? " Kirishima hints.

"I mean.. Y-yeah if you want." Bakugo looks at a window. Kirishima has always made him feel weird inside. He wouldn't dare think he had a crush on him. Sure, he knew he was gay, but still. He was super glad Kirishima confessed before he had the chance. He would probably chicken out.

Bakugo snapped out of his thoughts and stared Kirishima. He was nice, strong, attractive, and caring. Everything (except strong and attractive) he would never be. And he knew it. But he didn't care. All he cared about right now is Kirishima. He loves him. And if anything were to happen to him... He wouldn't know what to do with himself. Suddenly, Bakugo hugs Kirishima. "You okay?" Kirishima asks, hugging back.

"Y-yeah. I am now." Bakugo says, slightly tearing up. Kirishima notices something behind his boyfriend, though. "K-kaminari?!" Kirishima yells, pulling away. Kaminari was cought. He was taking a video of the confession. The. Whole. Thing. "I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" Bakugo yells, sprinting toward Kaminari.


UGH FINALLY! YOUR WELCOME FOR THIS CHAPTER! YK I CAN JUST DITCH THIS STORY WHENEVER I WANT RIGHT??? Nah I'm jk I wouldn't do that.. I just want a decent update schedule. I don't wanna be one of those writers who ditch their story after months and months. I'm really not the type bc I have no life and nothing to do.. Plus it's summer, and this book will probably be done before the school year starts back up 🙃 anyway, ik you were expecting TodoDeku, but I decided this one would be KiriBaku bc I can and I have no ideas! 🙃 cute fluff! <3 this one isn't really a cliffhanger either so.......with that, Go Beyond! Lemme hear a....... PLUS ULTRA! ✨

| • Word Count: 871 • |
| • Cliffhanger Count: 5 • |
| • Gay Panic Count: 4 • |

Extra A/N: I know this is going a bit quickly, but I don't really know how to make a good plot so yeah.. Just wanted to get this out 😭😭😭 ALSO THE PART WHERE BAKUGO THANKS KIRI FOR BEING THERE FOR HIM IS ABT WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABT BEFORE KAMINARI RAN TOWARD THEM! JUST WANTED TO MAKE THAT CLEAR!!!! IT'S NOT OUT OF NOWHERE!!! MK BAIIIII

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