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Scar's Perspective-

"What do you think I am?" The creature asked.

"I- I don't know. You look like a human but a bird."

"I'm an avian."

"You look really pretty." Scar complimented and the avian blushed.

He then sighed, "I'll give you your phone back as long as you delete the photo."

"Promise." Scar said.

The avian was about to drop the phone into Scar's hands when they heard someone call,
"Scar! What are you doing out in the street?"

The avian's eyes widened as it flew off.

Scar was about to call after it, but he didn't want it to get caught, so he instead watched as it flew off, another avian with golden yellow wings following.

"Scar, who are you talking to?" Scar's mother called.

Scar shook his head and walked back to his house.

"I lost my phone." He mumbled.

His mother gasped, "You what?"

"I dropped it down the sewer." Scar lied.

His mother sighed, "Scarrr."

"I'm sorry!"

"Well, at least your father works at the Apple store. He might be able to get you another."

Scar nodded and he went to bed.

The Next Day-


Scar looked up from his Nintendo Switch and saw Martyn and Mumbo, both looking scared.

"Oh, hey guys."

"Why haven't you been answering any of my calls? I was worried something happened, so I drove over."

Scar chuckled and shut off his switch, "I dropped my phone in the sewer."

"How'd you do that?" Mumbo asked.

Scar made sure his parents weren't aroud and said,

"That creature I saw the other night, I saw it last night."

Martyn and Mumbo gasped, and Scar nodded.

"I tried to take a picture of it, but it grabbed my phone. It was gonna give it back to me as long as I deleted the photo, but then my mother walked out, and he flew off. This time there was another guy with him. They had golden yellow wings though."

Mumbo hummed.

"Oh, and I spoke to it."

"You what?" Mumbo asked, looking shocked.

Scar laughed nervously, "Yeah, it was freaky."

"Do you think they'll come back?" Martyn asked and Scar shrugged.

"All I know is that my phone's gone."

"But he wanted to return it." Mumbo said, thinking, "Maybe they'll show up tonight and give it back!"

"I doubt it."

Mumbo shrugged, "Well I think it's worth a shot."

"Do you think I can stay the night?" Mumbo then asked.

"Er- yeah my parents are chill with anything."

Mumbo smiled, "Great. I just have to check with my mom and grab my stuff- "

He then remembered something and sighed.

"What?" Martyn asked.

"I just remembered that I had planned to go with Tango to his friend's board game night."

"And we're not invited?" Martyn asked.

Mumbo shrugged, "He invited me. I would ask you guys, but I don't know if Tango's okay with it."

"Well, whatever you want to do is fine with me." Scar said.

Mumbo thought, "I might be able to ask Tango if we can swing by here before going there."

"Go ahead." Scar said, sounding a bit bored.

Mumbo nodded, a determined look on his face, "I'm going to do it."

Later That Night (Mumbo's Perspective)-

Mumbo and Tango sat in silence as they were parked in the driveway across from Scar's house.

"What are we doing again?" Tango asked.

"Waiting." Mumbo said.

Tango rolled his eyes, "I figured that out, thanks."

Mumbo laughed and he then saw a flash of gold.

He turned to the window and smiled when seeing the bird that Scar described with golden yellow wings.

He had dirty blonde hair and a cracked phone clutched in his talon.

He flew down towards Scar's house and put the phone outside the door before flying off again.

"That's what Scar was talking about, huh?" Mumbo said, mesmerized.

"Alright!" He then smiled, "We can go now, that was all."

Tango looked after the avian, his face a bit red.

"Wow." He said breathlessly.


"Gah- right! Sorry." He said, starting his car and driving off.

Mumbo smiled as he noticed that Tango might've liked that particular avian.

Never Meant To Be: yet another Scarian ficWhere stories live. Discover now