Team Rancher

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Jimmy's Perspective-

I was excited to see Tango today.

It was Sunday, and sadly Grian had to stay behind since his mother wanted his help with something.

But I was looking forward to having some alone time with Tango.

Maybe then I could tell him.


"Hey Tang!"

Tango jumped and quickly grabbed onto the ladder before he fell.

He shot Jimmy a stink eye and he laughed.

"Sorry, did I startle you?"

"Yes." Tango grumbled, "Don't do that, that was dangerous."

"But the face you made was so funny!"

"It's not worth me dying just to make you laugh."

Jimmy laughed again and flew up to the roof.

"Wow." He said, looking at the progress Tango had done, "This is great. How long have you been working?"

"Most of Saturday, and since 7 am today."

I blinked, "Tango it's 1!"

"Oh is it really? Shoot, I haven't had lunch."

He looked back at his car and I flew over, grabbed a lunch box, and took it over to him.

Tango smiled at me, making me blush.

"Thanks Jimmy, I don't know what I'd do without you."

I smiled as well and Tango got off the ladder, sat under a shady tree, and began to eat his food.

"I bought some things to decorate the inside." Tango said, motioning to his truck, "We can do that after I finish the roof."

Jimmy got up and looked inside the truck, gasping.

"What?" Tango asked, sounding worried.

"You got fairy lights?!" Jimmy squealed.

Tango chuckled, "Oh, yeah. Scar mentioned that you and Grian like those."

"Aww!! Thank you!"

"Course! This is gonna be your barn as well."

"You know, since we're going to be at this barn a lot, we're going to be like ranchers."

"You said that Friday to!"

Jimmy laughed and nodded.

"I like the name! We should stick with it!"

Tango sighed, but he was still smiling, "Fine."

"Yay!" Jimmy cheered, hugging Tango, "Team Rancher it is!"

Tango blushed.

After a couple of minutes, they got up and Tango finished up the roof before he and Jimmy started to hang up fairy lights and decorate the inside.

"Wow," Jimmy said, putting his hands on his hips, "This looks great."

"Glad you like it!"

"Grian will too, he'll love it."

They looked at it a bit longer before Tango clapped his hands.

"Welp, I should get going."

"Oh, okay." Jimmy said, sounding a bit disappointed.

"Hey, thanks for your help! You made this go a lot faster, and it was fun!"

Jimmy smiled and blushed.

Tango got into his truck and rolled down the window so he and Jimmy can say goodbye.

"When will I see you again?" Jimmy asked.

"I'm not sure, I know finals are coming up and me and Scar will be really busy."

Jimmy mumbled frustratedly and Tango chuckled.

"But after that we should be free." Tango said.

Jimmy smiled.

"Great! See you then!"

He then kissed Tango's cheek before flying off.

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