A Flustered Laugh

842 44 14

Scar's Perspective-


Scar opened up his phone and saw that it was left on the notes app.

Weird, I never enter-

His thoughts stopped as he read the message.

'Meet at the abandoned farm tonight. And come ALONE'

Scar blinked.

I don't- I don't remember...did that bird type it?!

Scar paced around before deciding that he should go.


Grian whistled as he moved his feet back and forth on the fence, waiting.

"Oh shoot, did I keep you waiting for a long time?"

Grian jumped and turned around.

Scar put his helmet on his bike and walked over to Grian.

"You wanted to talk?"

Grian flushed red.

"Er- y-yes." He said.

I blinked, "Do you wanna do introductions first?"

"What?" Grian asked, tilting his head.

"Well, you know," I said, folding my arms and leaning on the fence, "Like tell each other who we are and that stuff."

"But I already know who you are. You're Scar and have two friends named Martyn and Mumbo."

Scar blinked.

"I- how did you know that?!"

"Your photos and videos."

"Oh...but I don't know you."

"You don't need to know me." Grian said, narrowing his eyes.

"Come on," Scar said, elbowing the avian, "It's only nice!"

Grian sighed.

"I'm Grian and I have a friend named Timmy who's a Canary."

"Yeah, my friend Tango mentioned him."

Grian's eyes widened.

"Wait, how many of you guys know who I am?"

"Er- well there's me, Tango, Mumbo, and Martyn." Scar said, listing people off of his fingers.

Grian groaned.

"You're joking, you're joking, YOU'RE JOKING!" He shouted, laughing hysterically.

Scar looked scared and shut up.

"Don't tell me that those people actually all know about us!"

Scar merely nodded.

Grian groaned into his hands before screaming with laughter.

"Oh this is just GREAT! I'm going to get killed along with everyone else I love because everyone knows about us!"

"Not every- "

"That doesn't matter!" Grian shouted, interrupting Scar.

Scar folded his arms and mumbled something, but Grian ignored him.

"If any of you, any of you tell people about my kind, I'm screwed!"

"Hey, that's not going to- "

Grian slapped Scar's hand away.

"Rude." Scar snapped.

He then grumbled as he stomped back to his bike.

"You know what? Maybe I will tell people about you. You're being rude."

Grian gasped and ran over to Scar.

"No, please don't. I'm sorry, I was just super stressed and..." Grian sighed, "You didn't deserve that."

Scar sighed, "It's fine."

Grian nodded.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"What we just did. I wanted to know who knew about my kind."

Scar nodded.

"Well, I don't think any of my friends would reveal you like that."

"Okay." Grian muttered, burying his head into his knees.

Scar looked concerned and patted the avian's head.

Grian looked up and Scar blushed.


"What was that for?" Grian asked, giggling a bit.

Scar laughed, "I honestly don't know."

They both laughed.

"I think I did it because that's what my cat does."

Grian gasped, "The cat that you have so many videos and pictures of?"

Scar nodded.

"Yep! Her name's Jellie."

"Aww! Wait, how does your cat pat your head?"

Scar chuckled, "Well, when I crouch down and bury my head into my knees, she's normally on my bed and she'll bump her head onto me and sometimes she'll just paw my head."

Grian giggled, "That's cute."

Scar hummed and nodded.

Grian leaned his head against Scar's leg as they looked up at the sky.

I kind of like this. Maybe he's not as different as I thought.

Never Meant To Be: yet another Scarian ficWhere stories live. Discover now