Chapter 3: Journey To Tibet

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The birds dipped and swooped through the sky, skimming the water’s surface as they searched for food. Below them, the ocean liner sliced through the water with its hull, forming a white-crested wake. Birds soared with the ship’s rhythm, and travelers enjoyed the scenery.

Carrie remained in her quarters, staring through the window. She sighed as she sat on her bed. The teenager stayed with the mysterious man for three weeks, not speaking to him. Despite their eerie silence, Carrie sensed a strange connection to the man.

Though hesitant to trust the man, his behavior seemed genuine. Throughout her life, Carrie faced challenges in gaining acceptance among her peers and teachers in her hometown. Her mother was no better; she used her twisted religion to punish her for minor things.

When Carrie discovered her telekinetic ability, she yearned for change. However, following that terrible Prom Night, she vowed never to exert her powers again.

After weeks of awkward silence, she cleared her throat. “Um… excuse me? Sir?”

“Hm?” The man focused his meditation. Though subtle, her voice surprised him.

“Do you… do you have a name?”

“Yes, but hard to pronounce, so my friends call me Baki.” He opened his left eye. “Still wondering why I helped you?”

Wringing her hands, Carrie shifted away from him. Until today, such kindness was foreign to her.

Baki exhaled. “I meant what I said. I couldn’t leave you there. The captain was curious about you when I brought you aboard. I told him you were a lost soul affected by misfortune. He understood and allowed you to stay.”

“Is this… a kidnapping?”

“More like a rescue. If you’re worried about the authorities, leave them to me. Since we’re moving to a different country, I could show them my visa and explain you’re with me.”

“What’s a visa?”

“A document that permits me to live in a country. I’m sure I can make those with authority understand the situation.”

Although she had doubts, Carrie believed Baki had a well-thought-out plan. However, questions lingered in her mind, troubling her.

As night fell, and with everyone inside, she snuck outside, arriving at the bow. With its gleaming aura, the moon shone in the sky. As the stars twinkled, the dark sea glistened. The waves splashed against the vessel, reminding her of her unknown future. Salty air filled her lungs, and a cool breeze brushed her skin.

With painful memories haunting her, she bowed her head. God, please forgive me for what I’ve done in Chamberlain. I never intended to hurt or kill anyone, including my mother. Tears streamed down her cheeks. All I wanted was acceptance. Why am I so alone if you teach us to love and care?

* * *

On the 25th day, land appeared on the horizon. As the vessel approached, it veered toward the Meghna River. From her room, Carrie eyed people onboard through the window. She gritted her teeth. How were they content while she suffered?

The opening door broke her thoughts when Baki entered, checking his light luggage. “In a few hours, we should reach our stop.”

The vessel traversed the Padme and Brahmaputra rivers, reaching the shores. The fading sunlight cast orange and pink hues across the skyline. Once the ship docked, all was silent, apart from the crew assembling the ramp. People crowded the deck, eager to step on this exotic land. The travelers descended to the shore after the staff erected the stairs.

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