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TW: mild swearing

Keith was warm. He made it to a planet he could live on, he could farm, he had a nice flow of water, he had sun. He left Zarkon 1 week ago. Best choice ever.

Lance had also left the castle of lions a week ago. He's still looking for the plant of the sun. "Lance, we know you can hear us, come back! Voltron needs you!" It was a recorded message from Allura. Lance ignored it.

Lance finally decided it was time to call it quits for today. He landed on this plant. 0 to no inhabitance. Little did he know, he had found Keith.

"Wake up." Lance could feel someone nudging him. "Wake up moron." They said again.

"Shut up." Lance said, then shot up realizing, he's not in the castle of lions. "I'm so sorry." He stopped. He was staring at Keith. "I FOUND YOU!" Lance said while throwing his arms on Keith.

"Yea, we'll you have to get back." Keith says tossing him off.

"Why?" Lance says questing him.

"You pilot a lion."

"So did you!"

"Yea, but I'm replaceable." Keith says, almost whispering. Lance stayed silent. He was part of the reason he left anyways. "Who else came looking?"

"Just me." Keith smiled. "So, uhm, I also have no idea where the place of lions are." Keith turned around.

"Are you being for real?" Lance nods. Keith face palms. "Moron."

"This is the first time I'm hearing you, have joy." Lance says. "It's nice." Keith looks away, he doesn't look at Lance. Keith opened up more to Lance in 2 minutes then he did his entire life with Shiro.

"It weird, you should go." Keith says pushing Lance out.

"What? We had a bonding moment?!" Lance screams at the door.

"I'm sorry, I just, I don't want to see people, ever again." Lance sighs, he had gotten to know Keith more than anyone else and it was now all thrown away.

Ok so sorry this is short but here's the truth look at the title. Next chapter will go into detail

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