Lions arent hollow

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TW: swearing, angst, lack of respect for binderies

Everyone has feelings, Shiro was on the floor crying at what Akira had said. The hollow lions of what used to be fighters, now are spilling with feelings and bubbling with emotions.

Akira isn't the problem, it was Keith. Everyone insisted he was dead, making everyone slowing crumble. Akira helped patch the hole, but it didn't help that he lied.

Shiro was having a break down on the floor, Lance was reminiscing of Akira being grocery boy, Allura was mad Akira lied about where he grew up, Pidge was in shock, and Hunk was in disbelief. They all had one tie with Akira, all of which also had a lose end.

Keith was able to escape Shiro. Keith didn't know what to do now, he knew he eventually had to face his past. Allura heard of Keith going to the garrison, so Keith had to think. What could he do to make it stop.

"Guys!" Allura gathered up everyone. "When they were kids Akira was talking about the garrison." Allura glanced at Shiro. "Shiro? Who had the name Akira?" Shiro caught on, if Lance was in the garrison at this time and Akira went too, Shiro hadn't left yet, he would know who Akira is.

"Well no one had the first name Akira." Shiro thought long and hard. "Pidge, do you think you could hijack the system?" Shiro asks.

"No, we're to far." Pidge tells Shiro.

"What if we had a copy of the file here?"Shiro says handing Pidge a flash drive.

"Now we're talking." Pidge takes the drive and runs it through the computer. "No, nothing. But their is one person, the files locked though." Shiro takes the computer, he try's all the passwords and nothing works.

"Damn, well this is definitely Akira." Shiro says.
"No shit." Lance says pouting.
"Well, tell us more about Akira, since your childhood friends." Husk says nudging him.
"I don't know anything else about him though." Lance says looking away.
"What?" Shiro asks walking up to him.
"Well, we meant at a supermarket and never got each others names till now." Lance says.

Shiro looks at Lance. "Wait, was he alone?" Lance nods. "Pidge hand me the computer." Pidge hands Shiro the computer as he types up some things. "Shit, all the dropout files are locked." Shiro says. Lance lifts his head.

"Drop out? Like Keith?" Shiro types up Keith's name before Akira comes in. Shiro put the laptop down, where everyone could see it.

"Sorry guys, I just, I got scared." Keith apologized, he knew they were on his tracks, so he had to stall.

"Well, tell us now!" Allura says screaming at Akira.
"Well, I'll tell you when I'm ready. I'm just scared." Keith has always been good at acting. No one suspected he was lying.
"Fine. But you will tell us soon." Allura says pressing her finger on his head. Keith nods


"Paladins! We have some bonding exercises to do!" Allura says banging on each paladins door.

Everyone was so tired and was literally dying in the inside. Shiro refused to look at Akira, he knows Keith, and wore Keith's suit. Lance noticed how bummed Akira was about this, but he didn't try to annoy Akira by pressing for answers.

"What exactly are we doing?" Keith asks, pressing him self forward.

"Well, back when the Voltron paladins were first found, we did this exercise..." Keith inhaled, begging Allura wasn't going to say what he thought she was going to say. "Where we use our minds to form Voltron." Keith sighed, she said it, the dumb head set thing. He knew he'd be apart of it, but in Lances spot or Shiros.

"So, who am I?" He asks begging to himself that he's taking Shiros spot.
"Oh the red lions! Or Lances." Fuck, Keith was about to throw up.
"Yea no, I don't want anyone looking through my head." Keith says while turning around.
"You've done this before?" Pidge asks. Keith realized he had just exposed himself.
"Uhm- no!" Keith tried to explain. "It's just uhm-"Keith could talk faster then he thought. "Fuck."
"Did Keith tell you." Shiro says, towering over Keith.
"Shit." Keith meant that as an inner thought.
"Excuse me?" Shiro says.
"Nothing!" Keith grabs a headset from Allura and try's his best to think of the lion.

"Shiro, be nice." Allura says as she turns on the simulation.
"No promises." Everyone starts to move their lion to the middle.

Keith can feel something wrong, he takes off the head set and tosses it at shiro.
"Bitch." Keith says before getting up and walking out.
"It's so we can-" Keith slaps Shiro.
"No! You honesty can just forget m- Keith! Stop, he's dead, just like you keep insisting! I lied! He's not alive." Keith walks off. Lance starts to follow.
"Lance come back." Shiro says, putting his hand on his shoulder.
"Why?" Lance asks, trying to yank away.
"Leave Akira." Lance gasps, tugging his shoulder away.
"You know what? Just because you hate him and can't get over Keiths death doesn't mean the rest of us should too!" Lance slaps Shiros wrist off him and walks the direction which Akira was headed.

Shiro stated in that direction, he had lost the red paladins, he was so focused on what similarities Keith and Akira had, he forgot they are different people. He knew Akira had potential, then he realized. "Fuck you general Kogane, fuck you." Shiro says it loud enough for the rest of the team to hear.


"I should've never came back, it was pointless, I'm pointless." Keith started to pack his stuff. He was going to the planet of suns. He was supposed to be there, but the galra took him, and look where he is now.

"Akira?" Lance says opening the door. "Your not leaving are you?" Lance says. Keith stays quiet. "Akira." Lance says more firmly this time.

Keith turns around, his eyes had tears in them, stains of water ran down his face. "I'm leaving, you happy now?" Keith picked up his stuff, he attempted to push past Lance.

"You can't leave me." Lance said grabbing Akira wrist.
"Why? I'm replaceable." Keith says. Lance stepped back, remembering his dream.
"Why, Akira I don't know how to say this, but, just don't leave." Lance pleads.
"Why? I'm not wanted or trusted here." Keith says, pulling his wrist away.

Lance grabbed Keith's face and kissed him. Keith wanted to pull away, but damn, did it feel good. Lance pulled his arms around Keith's waist, Lance was still taller than him. Keith rested his hand on Lances nape. They made out it the hallway before Keith pulled away.

"Akira, please. I, I love you." Lance said pressing his forehead on Keiths.
"I do too, but I can't stay." Keith released his grip from Lances neck, Lance strengthens his grip on Keiths waist.
"Please?" Lance said, tears rolling down his face.
"Please." Lance released Keith. Smiling and Keith ran the other way. "Don't forget me Keith , ever." Lance said as Keith ran off.

The title/chapter names coming full circle! I was so close to making Shiro like, choke Keith Bc he hates him sm, or Akira ig. Anyways, this is the last chapter before the A/N chapter/final chapter.  I enjoyed/loved writing this! Angst Shiro ;( make me cry.

-kerra out! <3

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