The hunted

74 2 1

TW: violence, blood/gore, swearing

"Is no one going to question how Akira is driving the black lion?" Pidge asks. "Also do you have a suit? If so where did you get it?" Akira stays silent. "Hello?"

"It's... old. That's it." Keith says while piloting the lion to the closest planet. Allura sits there before responding.
"So you were a paladin?" Allura says while following close behind Keith.
"No." Keith doesn't want to be noticed as Keith.
"That's weird." Allura said. "I mean, you know how to pilot the black lio-" Keith starts to speak.
"It's just instinct." Pidge scoffed.
"Look guys, please we can fight about this when we see Shiro again." Hunk says reassuring everyone.
"Fine." Akira, Pidge, and Allura say at the same time.

They head into a storm planet. "Stay close to each other. This place is dangerous." Keith says slowly going in.

"And how would you know?" Allura says stopping her lion before going in.

"Stay out here then. I'm not going to make you go in." Keith continues in. The rest of the group end up not going. It's not that they don't trust Akira, they just trust Allura more.

Soon Keith emerges and reports he found nothing. They ride to the next planet and find the ship Lotor took. "He's near." Keith says. Keith didn't want to step out of the lion. He was in his old red suit. He knew someone would say something.

"No shit Sherlock. So where are we headed now?" Pidge says. "Best if we leave out lions, it would be harder to explore the environment." Keith nods. Not knowing what to do since he's in his old suit.

"Are you in Keith's old suit?" Allura says before stepping out. "No need to lie, I'm surprised you just took it." Allura says as Keith steps out. No one sees the resemblance except for Lance.

"Dude you look like Keith." Keith shuttered hearing that. He hated the fact that Lance was the person who caught on. "Hello respond to me!" Lance says waving his hand in his face.

"Lance leave the man alone. We must go to find Shiro." Allura says as they continue along the planet.


It's been about 30 minutes. They found nothing. Lotor was on the planet but where? Keith found something, blood. "Guys I think this might be Lotors blood." Keith says signaling the team over.
"Let me see. Oh my..." Allura looked down, a whole puddle of blood, with leaves covering some of it.
"It could also be Shiro's." Keith stared at it. "Follow the blood path."
"Look, even though your the pilot to the black lion doesn't mean-" pidge was stopped.
"But it is our only lead. Let's go."

Keith went through the branches. Unlike it, he didn't have a Bayard, Lance had his red one, Shiro probably had the black one, Keith only had his marmora blade.

Soon they found a knocked out Shiro, and a Lotor sitting a top him. "Oh shit." Lotor looked up and saw them. "What are you going to do? I have your leader right here." Lotor said almost mockingly.

"This bitch." Keith lunged forward. He struck a blow on Lotors face. "Come here." He brought out his blade and grabbed his hair, slicing it through.

"Dumbass." Lotor said picking him self up. "That only hurt my ego." Lotor said walking forward in front of an angered Keith.

"Ego this." Keith said kicking Lotor in the ribs, Knocking him down. He put his foot on Lotors chest. "Did you kill Shiro?" Lotor stayed silent and looked up at Akira. Keith pressed his foot deeper in Lotors chest. "I SAID DID YOU FUCKING KILL SHIRO!"

"No!" Keith released his foot and spit on Lotor. He headed over to Shiro as the others went to Lotor.

"Hey Shiro! I'm probably the last person you wanna hear but we got to go." Keith picked up Shiros unconscious body and started walking the way they came. Allura picked up lotor, who was coughing blood.

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