Changing of the guard

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TW:Swearing, mentions of death, doubt

"We lost Shiro?" Allura asked slowly getting up.

"Yes, Akira tried his best to get him back." Coran says. "You should rest, Before we have a group dissociation."

"fine, but, please, check on Akira. It doesn't sound like she's doing ok." Allura says slumping back into bed.

"As you wish princess." Coran says before wondering to Keiths old room. "Akira, please, open the door you know your not allowed in here." No response. "Akira I'm coming in." Coran says bluffing. "Fine." Coran opened the door, no ones there. "Ah quizneck"

Coran starts freaking out only to find out Akira is in Lances room. Lance and Akira were laying right next to each other talking about voltron. "There you are Akira! I thought you might've left!" Akira jumped. He thought Coran was hinting that he knew. He ruled it out because he didn't think Coran was capable of that.

"Sorry..." Keith is able to mutter up at Coran yells at him. "Damn this place is so much more damaged lol." Keith jokes under his breath.

"Wait..." Lance stops Coran. "Did you just say 'lol' was that? Human slang?" Coran paused.
"Akira, saying human slang?" Coran stared at Keith.
"What???? No I don't even know what a human slang is." Keith was sweating bullets. "So uh, yea." Keith eternally screamed.

"Paladins it's time for a meeting." Allura said over the coms.
"Looks like the princesses is feeling better let's go." Coran says.

They all rush to the head of the ship. "We need to get Shiro back, but it won't be easy, we have no idea where Lotor is and we don't have Voltron." Allura tells the team. "If you think you have something."

"He's on a planet that the Galra wouldn't have access to." Keith says, slamming his fist on the table.
"Right cause you guys are fugitives." Allura whispers.
"Lotor said Shiro was the only thing in his path, no maybe something with the lions." Lance adds.
"Well, I could track his arm but I don't think it'll reach that far in the galaxy." Pidge says.
"How will me get there though? Bring the lions are point less." Hunk ads.
"Leave that to me, let's focus on where Lotor could be." Keith says, he knew what he had to do if he wanted to see Shiro.
"Ok, there are only 4 plants that Lotor could've got on with the pod he took" Allura said, bring up the hologram.
Keith thought wtf couldn't they do this with me? Keith wondered why Shiro had forgotten him, he pushed those thoughts aside.
"We could spread out." Lance said.
"Now that's dumb, the galra and Lotor could ambush us and we'd be alone." Keith protests against Lance.
"Akira is right. There is nothing we can do, if we had Voltron we'd be fast enough-" Keith cuts her off.
"I said leave it to me." Allura signs.
"If we have Voltron we can explore all the planets or travel as a group." Allura says.
"Let's go." Keith says.
"Akira, what do you mean?" Pidge asks as akira walks to shiros old station.
"I can pilot the black lion." The whole team jumps back as Keith goes down the slide.
"Only one way to find out!" The rest of the team goes to.

Keith came out first in the black lion. He was going to find Shiro, or die trying.

Hey! I hope you like this chapter I put a lot of thought into writhing it. "I can pilot the black lion" my fav line so far.

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