Wake up

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TW:Swearing, suicidal thoughts, blood/gore

Lance had dreamed it all up. He awoke in the pod, alone. He started to cry. He missed Keith, he wished he was here again. The team messed up and didn't care for Keith.

"What if I just, died? I mean, Keith's probably dead, and the castle of lion can always find other paladins. I am useless. I don't even know where the way back is." Lance pondered his thoughts before a galra fleet took his ship. "Great, I'm going to die alone."

Lance awakens is someone lap. They had a black full body suit, (like the ones underneath the paladins armor) Lance is scared. He feels his legs, he feels blood on him. The person he was saying on get up and strikes the person in front of them.

"Get up we need to go." The person said.

"Who are you?" Lance asks.

"Can you get up?" The person seems to be ignoring lances question. Lance tries and can't get up. "I'm going to pick you up get ready." They pick up Lance and dash to the escape pods.

They lay Lance down. They had long black silky hair, pale purple skin, could definitely be mistaken as white, their blue-grey eyes. He started to patch up Lances bleeding legs. "Ok now that we're out of there who fucking are you?"

"Are you feeling better." They had ignored Lances question again.

"If you going to ignore me you can just say it." Lance huffs.

"Look, I'm going to drop you off at the Balmera and leave you their." His voice stiffens and scares Lance.

"What?" Lance gasps for air. "So what about you?"

"I'm a galra fugitive, I work for the blade, so I have to keep running." The strange voice loosens up.

"So are we! You should come hang with us!" Lance says nudging the dude.

"No, I need to report to the blade before I'm pronounced dead. Even though it would be better."

"Please? Just think." Lance slowly picks him self up. "What are you anyways, you don't look full galra."

"I don't know, my mom and dad are both galra, I think my mom had an affair with another person though." Lance slowly walked to the seat next to the man.

"Can I get a name?" Lance asks.

The man scuffs, "if it gets you to shut up, it's..." they thought for a bit thinking. "Kk." Lance started to laugh.

"Kk? Ok wow, you sound like that... holy shit." Lance realized this is the general that cut Lotors neck, why he was a fugitive now, he didn't know. "So, general Kogane? What's next?"

Keith jumped. He didn't think Lance would catch on. "Don't call me that." Lance rolled his eyes and mumbled something. "Say that again."

"Bitch." Lance said louder. Keith rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I'll come with you to the Balmera, but I need a new name, no offense, but your friends are going to treat me like shit."

"Ok!" The rest of the spaceship ride they talked about what they could call kk. Lance had forgotten that he thought this general was Keith. He forgot because, the thoughts of Keith being dead got to him.

They settled on the name "Akira."

I was so close to making his name be 'klance' lol. Also 'akira' is his middle name, but he never told anyone. How they got to that conclusion, idfk but I'm not going to ask. That's it.

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