Black out

78 2 0

TW: Violence, swearing, blood, mentions of stitches

"Lord, we are close." Zarkon smiles and sends out all his troops.

"Good job everyone now it time to ea-" Allura is interrupted by the place shaking. "Now what in the world was that?" It rumbles again. "Paladins to your stations!" Allura demands after the third rumble.

It was to late, the galra got in some how. They took Lotor. "Put Lotor down!" Shiro shouts while rushing to punch the glare soldiers. Shiro missed the punch and the soldiers ganged up on him. One kept kicking him in the stomach, another was stepping on him, and the other knocked him out cold.

"SHIRO!" Keith yells as the Galra soldiers, Keith swings and strikes one down. "Who's next?" one starts to run, Keith picks up speed and tosses the knocked out soldier and hits the running one. Keith turns around and sprints up to the last one. "So, I guess I won't hurt you too bad..." Keith sikes out the and the soldier gets faints.

More starts to come in. Keith picks up Shiro and runs to the head of the ship. Everyone is guarding a door. Keith steps in and lays Shiro down on a chair. Keith picks up his marmots blade, hoping no one recognize it. Keith charges through trying to get to Motor. "Where are you going! Akira we need you here!" Allura shouts over the scouts screaming.

"They have Lotor, what ever they want with him its not good." Allura nods, telling Akira to go with her eyes. Keith sets off and charges through the scouts, again. He makes it to where Lotor was. He was standing.

"Hello Akira." Lotor said so seriously making Keith shiver.
"Lotor, what are you doing we need to get to the head of the ship!" Keith wanted to clear up what he had done in the past.
"If you insist." Lotor says following Keith.

Keith charges through the hoard of soldiers, making a way for Lotor. When they both make it back to the head of the ship, they defend with the others. Soon all the scouts are knocked out, team Voltron is barely holding on. Lance was shot in his arm, he couldn't fire properly, Pidge was dragged into the hoard, thankfully Akira was able to help her. Hunk got tired with his gun, his fingers were jammed, and just like Lance, couldn't fire properly, and Shiro was knocked out cold. Allura, Lotor, and Akira had not been badly hurt.

"We need to help Shiro, I don't know what they did to him except try to drag him away." Akiras voice shivered.

"Akira, we all need help." Lance shoots back.

"Shiro is in the most critical position!" Keith now bubbling with anger. "He could die because he had the good in him to try and save Lotor!" Keith realized how, Keith-y he sounded.

"Chill out, Shiro will preserver." Allura says while heading over to Shiro. "We're lucky, now help the others while Lotor and I handle Shiro." Keith sighed.

"Fine." He said and walked to Lance. "How can I help?" The rest of the day Keith spent dragging out the galra soldiers, and helping Lance, Hunk, and Pidge with anything they needed.


"Oh Shiro, your the only thing in my way. I need Voltron to be gone." Lotor says before Allura walks in.

"Oh! I see you two are getting along. Well Lotor-" Lotor places his finger on Alluras mouth placing a hand on her arm.

"Shush now, Allura, I'm sorry." Lotor then gripped her arm and tossed her at the wall.

"LOTOR WHAT THE HE-" Allura screams while she's slowly picking her self up.

"Sorry, again." Lotor says while knocking Allura out. "Come on Shiro, I have plans for you."

By the time Lotor has tossed Allura, the rest of Voltron was basically healed, they still had bruises, but they weren't as bad as when they first got them. Lotor walked out and saw Keith. "What are you doing with Shiro?" Keith asked Lotor as he walked out.

"Your team is out you can't stop me." Keith had said what he said loud enough to make the rest of the team could gather up and see what's happing.

"Lance check on Allura, If Lotor walked out of the room with Shiro, Allura would be with him." Lance didn't wait a second and headed into the room. "Now wanna tell me what your doing?"

"Bye Bye, Me and Shiro are leaving." Keith pulls out his blade and quickly dashes up behind Lotor.

"Move again, and your stitches will be no more." Lotor realized how the blade fit perfectly in the slit on his neck. Lotor acted quickly and dropped Shiro. Keith smiled. Lotor dropped, tripping Keith, and picking up Shiro and running.

Keith had cut 6 of the 8 stitches on Lotors neck, Keith got up but just as he was about to strike Lotor, He held up Shiro. Keith dropped his knife and froze before stopping in his track so he wouldn't hit Shiro. "You fight dirty Lotor." Keith says as Lotor walks away.

"Shit." Keith storms off into his old room.



-Kerra out <3

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