{PART 1}

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"Hey, give me my nuggets back! I was saving it for last!" Seungmin pouted and said. "No, it's mine now!" Felix said. "There, there, stop fighting. I'll just buy you some new nuggets, Seungmin Hyung" I.N said finishing the fight. "But-" Seungmin said but got interrupted by him(I.N) "No buts, I already said I'll just buy you some new nuggets" I.N said. "Fine." Seungmin said pouting. I.N smile smirked at his hyung being cute. I mean, he's normally cute he can't really deny that he's not cute, not handsome and not smart at the same time. Then Felix interrupted the silence "How about me?" Felix asked. "You literally just took Seungmin hyung's nuggets" I.N said in a different tone. "But, I want more!" Felix shouted. I.N looked at the cashier and said apologized on his behalf. "Hyung! You didn't have to shout, you're crazy" I.N whisper said. "I'm sorry" Felix said feeling sorry while fiddling with his fingers. Then they finished their food quietly(I.N bought Felix nuggets anyway) technically I.N is like their brother/parent to them even though he's younger than them. Han was doing his homework in the dorm he already ate before the school even started anyways. He was finishing his History homework. Then the bell rang. He got all of his stuff and went to class.


He was on the way to his class until somebody called him. He grabbed his phone from his pocket. The one that called was his mom. He said in his mind "Why is she calling this time?" Technically his mom calls for many things. He asked the teacher to excuse him for a while to talk to his mother. Even though, he doesn't even need the teacher's permission anymore since he's the school president. He's a polite,kind and popular student. He's got straight A's in his exam's every year. He learns in the library every morning. He goes to school at 6 am. School starts at 8 am. He spends 2 hours at the library studying everyday.

{On the call}

Seungmin:Hi Mom
Seungmin's Mom:Hi sweetie. I have something to tell you.
Seungmin:What is it?
Seungmin's Mom:A parent from your school asked me if you could tutor his son. You can decide when & where. At least twice or thrice a week. He will pay you 100,000 won a month. He will give it to his son to give it to you.
Seungmin:Ok Mom, when am I supposed to meet him? When can the tuition start? What is his son's name? I have to go to class now message me later. Bye
Seungmin's Mom:Ok Bye.

Call ended


His son's name is Lee Minho. You're supposed to meet him tomorrow at the library by 7 am.

Ok Mom

Read by
12:05 pm


I was on my way to class until my dad called me I grabbed my phone and picked it up "What is it now dad? Do I have to go home for something?" I asked. "No,son" His dad said. "Then why did you call me?" I asked annoyingly. Before my dad could tell me I said "message me my class is about to start. Bye" "ok son, bye" my dad said then I hung up on the phone then my class was starting.


Ok son. So I got you a tutor to teach you twice or thrice a week. I will give you the fees to you. You will meet him by tomorrow at the library by 7 am. It's because your failing your classes. You will discuss the timetable with him tomorrow. NO BUTS!

Ok dad but
what is his

His name is Kim Seungmin. I don't know his age. Ask him tomorrow.


Read by 12:15 pm

{The Next Day}(I'm too lazy to write the rest)

~At the Library~


I was waiting for someone named Lee Minho. Since my mom told me to tutor him. Anyways, it's 6:55 am. I was reading a book until a black hoodied guy walked up to me and said "Kim Seungmin right? Nice to meet you" He said. "Ah, you must be Lee Minho" I said. "Yeah, My name is Lee Minho but you can call me Leeknow I'm 18." He said. "Ok lino hyung. My name is Kim Seungmin. I'm 16. And is it ok if I call you hyung?" I said. "Yes, it's totally fine puppy. Has anyone told you you look like a puppy?" He asked. "No" I answered to the question. "Well you look like one by the way" He said. "Thank you" I blushed at the nickname earlier. "Now, let's get to the point on why we're both here" I said seriously. "I'm free on Sundays ,Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Pick 3 days between those four days" "Tuesday, Thursday Friday" He answered. "Ok. We'll start tomorrow then. Your dad said to start as soon as possible. The fees will be due on the 15th." I said. "Ok" He then said. "Oh, can I have your number in case you have to postpone the class or something?" He asked. "Ok, give me your phone" I said. Then I gave him my number and gave his phone back.

Random number

Hi, This is Leeknow.

Oh,hi Hyung
let me save your number


Saved as Lino hyung by today, 7:30 am

Finished with chapter one! Unfortunately I lost on my MSSWPKL competition but since it's my first MSSWPKL competition it's fine I still have a lot of competitions to go. I finished my competitions now I'm going to update faster now. Actually, I'm just too lazy and I was sick these last few days. So I couldn't update.

Word count:962 words

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