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****Am I out of my head? Am I out of my mind?
If you only knew the bad things I like..****

Nova's POV

You hear a text come in as you lay in bed next to your current boyfriend. You reach over and unlock your phone.

Eddie: What are you wearing right now?

You glance over and see Max scrolling through instagram. You roll over on your side and see another text pop up.

Eddie: Baby?

You: Not your baby, Eds.

You text back quickly and wait. I'll tease him for a minute.

Eddie: Pic downloading.

Oh shit. He looks good. Really fucking good.

He's in bed. You see his black silk sheets beneath him. His long hair is wild, his curls an absolute mess. Every tattoo on his chest and abdomen on clear display. The picture stops at his v line making you crave more.

You: Fuck baby.

Eddie: I miss you.

You scroll through your pictures. Tits or ass? You find a nice one of you in your lingerie sitting on your bathroom counter. Your ass looks perfect in the mirror, your face looking back, giving your best fuck me eyes. And... send.

Eddie: Nova, you're fucking killing me.

You: Goodnight, Eddie.

Eddie: Fuck you.

You: Maybe another time.

Eddie: 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼

You: 😘

Eddie: 🖤

You smile and set your phone down on your nightstand.

"Who was that?" Max asks as he leans over and kisses your cheek softly.

"Just my mom." you lie as you snuggle in close to him.

Eddie Munson. Self proclaimed rock god and my ex boyfriend. A fucking asshole... and my soulmate.

Eddie's POV

Nova Gray. You have no idea what you're doing to me, baby. No... she definitely knows.

Just one more look. You open your phone and click on her messages, pulling up the picture again. That ass.. she knows I love her in pink... lace spread across her perfect curves..and those fucking eyes.

I love those eyes. I love staring down at her as she takes me in her mouth. She looks so good on her fucking knees.

You need her. You always crave her more once she leaves. Once she's finally given up. You want her to want you.. to need you. You fuck up again and again but she's fucking crazy too. You both are.

Bad Things (Eddie Munson Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now