Crazy Bitch (Part Two) 🌶️

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****And I'm the voice inside your head. That keeps telling you to listen to all the bad things I say.****

Nova's POV


You slip on your panties and stick your head out the door catching a glimpse of Eddie's leather jacket as he disappears around the corner.

You quickly try to fix your dress one more time before slipping out of the small closet and making your way back towards Max.

Eddie was pissed now and he was a fucking wild card when he was mad.

You nervously make your way back to your table and take your seat next to Max.

"Seriously, Nova?" Max hisses under his breath and you turn to face him.

"What?" you whisper back and he chuckles in disbelief as he runs his fingers through his short brown hair.

"You promised me.."

"I.. I don't know what you're talking about." you try to lie but even you can hear the dishonesty in your voice.

"Your lipstick is a mess by the way. And I can smell that cheap ass cologne all over you." he mumbles as you reach in your bag for a tissue, wiping around your lips, trying to fix your mistake.

"Max, I didn't.."

"Nova, not here." he shuts you down quickly and you clench your teeth, your emotions running wild.

"Hello shitbirds." you look up to see Eddie back on the stage. He truly hated these events and most of the people in this room.

But every year, he was invited back. It was almost a running joke at this point. Every single year he made a spectacle of himself, the gossip columns running wild the next day.

Eddie didn't give a shit, he loved the attention.

"I have a very special song to sing tonight for a very special lady.." he starts and Max shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

"Now.. I know what you're thinking. Nova Gray, right?" he continues and you shut your eyes, feeling your face turn pink.


"But that's not fair to assume. I've slept with a lot of people in this room." Eddie cheeses, as his eyes roam the crowd.

"Jesus.." Max groans as Eddie continues on with his speech.

"You." he points to someone in the audience. "And you, how are you beautiful?" he smirks, pointing towards another girl in the audience.

"Oh.. and hi Angelina." he winks with a giant grin.

"Your boyfriend is making a fool of himself." Max mutters under his breath as you place your head in your hands, resting your elbows on the table.

"Welp, on that note I give you, Crazy Bitch." he announces and a few random claps scatter throughout the crowd.

He steps forward, taking the mic in his hand. The lights glint off of his metal rings as he begins his song.

Break me down, you've got a lovely face.
We're going to your place
And now you've got to freak me out."

His raspy voice immediately draws you in, his warm tone sending goosebumps across your arms. People could talk as much shit as they wanted about Eddie Munson, but they couldn't say he wasn't talented.

"Scream so loud, getting fucking laid
You want me to stay, but I got to make my way.."

"Classy.." Max huffs, crossing his arms as you avoid his gaze. Eddie turns his attention back to you as he sings the next verse.

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