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****So good that you can't explain it. What can I say? It's complicated.****

Nova's POV

You quietly tiptoe across the floor searching for your clothes. You get dressed quickly and grab his shirt from the floor. You bring it to your nose and inhale deeply before slipping it on over your bodysuit.

A mix of cigarettes, weed, and his favorite cheap cologne. He never upgraded, even after having all the money in the world. He said it reminded him of where he came from. It was a comforting smell to him. One that reminded him of home. And now one that reminded you of him.

You walk over to the bed and look at him. He's laying on his stomach, his arm sprawled across the place you just left. His face is pressed hard against the pillow. A small puddle of drool leaking onto his silk pillowcase. His untamed hair sticking up everywhere.

You wanted to wake him. Tell him goodbye. But you knew he would convince you to stay. One look from him and you practically melt into a fucking puddle. You settle for a light kiss to his cheek before heading out the door.

Back to reality. Back to Max. Fuck... Max. He's gonna hate me.

You grab your phone and wait in the lobby of Eddie's apartment building while you call Sal to come pick you up.

You scope the area outside for paparazzi and seeing no one around you swiftly make your way to the car. The last thing you need is being photographed outside his apartment.

"Two days, Ms. Gray?" Sal looks back at you with a raised eyebrow.

"I know, Sal." you groan as you lay your head back against the headrest.

"Um.. Ms. Gray.." he mumbles and you look at him confused.

He points to his neck and then back to you. "You might want to cover those?"

Shit. Eddie of course had completely ignored your request for 'no marks'. You were pretty sure he went overboard just because you asked him not to. You take your phone flipping the camera on yourself, inspecting the damage.

Jesus, Eddie.

Hickeys and bite marks littered your neck and shoulders, all the way down to your breasts.

"Can you take me to Chloe's?" you blush at Sal and he gives you a sympathetic look.

"Of course." he smiles at you before changing course.

After a few minutes Sal rolls up to the massive gates looking into the camera.

"Come on in, Sal." you hear one of Chloe's assistants crackle through the speaker as the gate swings open.

Chloe has always enjoyed nice things and her house proved that. You see the water fountain leading to a stone entryway. Beautiful pillars stand tall in the front of her home.

You slip out of the car and around to Sal's window. You try to hand him some extra cash, which he attempts to refuse. You lean in and kiss his cheek, dropping the folded bills into his suit pocket before heading inside.

You take in the grand foyer made of beautiful marble flooring leading to an elegant curved staircase embellished with gold leaf accents. The gourmet kitchen with an Italian cabinetry and marble countertops, covered with half empty bottles of different liquors.

Some of your best moments have been here. You and Eddie both. Wild nights, skinny dipping, dancing until the sun came up. Eddie's last birthday was also here. You could only remember small pieces of that night. But it was fun. You missed those days. Even though things weren't perfect. You always missed him.

Bad Things (Eddie Munson Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now