Slut 🌶️

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****Nothing's that bad, if it feels good. So you come back. Like I knew you would..****

Nova's POV

"Where's Max?" Eddie smirks as he pretends to look around for him.

"Eddie stop." you whisper, feeling the guilt creeping in.

"One second, baby." he says to you before yelling back into the apartment.

"Trixie.. Tom will take you home. I have a not so unexpected visitor."

"This was a mistake." you go to turn and his hand grips your wrist. The slightest touch from him sending tingles throughout your body.

"It wasn't." he says as he threads his fingers in yours. You look down at his hand. His big rings adorn their usual fingers. You slowly trail your eyes up his body.

His pants are unbuttoned, his black boxer briefs peeking through. A silky black shirt buttoned unevenly, his chest completely exposed.

Trixie walks up and kisses Eddie's cheek before sliding past you.

Why am I here?

Eddie pulls you inside and shuts the door. "What are you doing here, Nova?" he steps back as you remove your big jacket. His eyes roam your white bodysuit underneath.

"Fuck, you look good." he says huskily. His eyes are dark, a small smirk remains on his lips. He slowly begins twisting one of his rings around his fingers as he continues looking you up and down lazily.

"I had a bad day, Eds." you pout as you walk closer to him.

"Yeah?" he breathes as you stop directly in front of him.

"Mhmm.. it was really stressful." you reach out and run your nail down his chest as a sly smile spreads across his face.

"You here to use me, sweetheart?" he hums as you begin to unbutton the last two buttons on his shirt.

"Do you mind?" you purr as his hands come to your waist.

"Never." he whispers before pulling against him. His grip is firm on your hips as you look up into his eyes.

"I missed you." you breathe.

"I know you did." he says before his lips slam into yours. He immediately presses you into the wall as you tangle your hands in his hair. His tongue meets yours forcefully as you moan desperately into his mouth.

You grab a fistful of his hair and give it a hard yank pulling a moan from him easily. He moves to your neck and begins to suck.

"No marks, Eddie." you mumble and he just chuckles before you feel his teeth sink into your skin.

"Fuck." you whimper as his tongue trails across the indents of his teeth.

"What's got you so stressed?" Eddie asks as he picks you up and carries you swiftly to the bed.

"Rebecca White.. she's just.. I hate her." you admit as Eddie begins to work on your bodysuit.

"She's a bitch." Eddie agrees as you slide your arms out and he pulls it down beneath your breasts.

"Mmm.. I missed these." he climbs on top of you and takes your hardened nipple in his mouth. Your eyes shut as he sucks and nips gently making you wetter by the second.

There's never been another man who has pleased you like Eddie. You know it and he knows it.

His hand works its way into your suit and you feel his fingers dip into you. A blissful moan leaves your lips as he guides his fingers deeper.

Bad Things (Eddie Munson Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now