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****I want you forever, even when we're not together.****

I need to end this. I can't keep doing this to him.

You feel his body warm against your back, his arm tossed lazily over your waist as you stare at the wall.

Max was elated last night. You had fucked him like you fuck Eddie and he was a puddle afterwards.

But it wasn't Max that you wanted. It never was. Max was good, Max was sweet but he wasn't Eddie and you couldn't keep dragging him along. It was selfish.

You slip out of bed, carefully moving his arm off of you. You feel the soft carpet underneath your feet as you grab your robe and slip it on.

Coffee. I need coffee. And a fucking cigarette.

You quietly make your way to the kitchen, shutting the door softly behind you. You grab your favorite coffee mug, sticking it under the Keurig while you search for your pack of smokes.

You dig around in your jacket by the door, pulling out your pack of Marlboro's.

The smell of coffee hits your nose making you smile as you pop one in your mouth

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The smell of coffee hits your nose making you smile as you pop one in your mouth. Grabbing the mug, you make your way outside and take a seat on the top of the stairs.

"Ms. Gray?" you hear Sal's voice coming from behind you.

"Hey, Sal. Everything okay?" you question as you take another drag from your cigarette.

"Yes ma'am. It's just.. this was delivered this morning and I thought maybe you should get it before Max does.." he mumbles as he holds out a magazine in your direction.

Playgirl Magazine. There he is on the front cover.

No fucking way

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No fucking way.

You glance up at Sal who gives you a half smile.

I can't believe he did this shit. He knows how you feel about it, this was completely out of spite.. but fuck he looks good.

"Thanks, Sal." you lean over kissing his cheek and he gives you a nod before turning to leave. He pauses suddenly and turns back around.

"I know it's not my business but well of course I had to take a peek... and well.. that boy is blessed." Sal chuckles deeply, his round belly bouncing slightly with every laugh. You can't help but laugh with him, Sal always brought comfort to you even in your darkest times.

Bad Things (Eddie Munson Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now