Crazy Bitch (Part One) 🌶️

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****Always high, Keep it strange
Okay, yeah, I'm insane. But you the same****

Eddie's POV

You hadn't heard from Nova but tonight there was no escaping the situation. We have a duet to perform. It's been on the calendar for over a year and we decided to stick it through. Don't want to upset the fans.

I like to keep my fans happy and satisfied... in every way.

But I don't want a fan tonight. My plan is to have Nova bent over somewhere backstage after the performance. Fuck, I can't wait. I missed her. And now I almost have her back. It won't take long.

Before her little pop up at your apartment the other day she had managed to stay away for two months. The longest two months of your life. And you already missed her. Craved her. But now that you've touched her again, there's no way she'll turn you down tonight.

That's not to say you didn't talk in those two months. You'd wake up to a random picture of her from three o'clock in the morning. Fuck, those always had me hard immediately. You'd have whatever girl was in your bed at the time take care of the situation.

And then there were the drunk calls. Those were my favorite. She'd scream at me, start a fight, and then tell me how much she loved me all in the same goddamn sentence. Little psycho.

She's gonna be all dressed up tonight. In one of her fancy dresses for the award show. I like her better in one of my t-shirts but I know she's gonna look beautiful.

Your stylist was supposed to be here in about an hour. She asked months ago what you wanted to wear and you had just told her to make you look hot.

I look hot in anything though so her job is pretty easy. But I pay her well. And sometimes she gets a little bonus from Mr. Munson, if you know what I mean.

But not tonight. Tonight was all about Nova. And winning her back. Hopefully dickhead hasn't gotten in her head already. Your phone goes off and you glance down to see Nova's name. A smile spreads across your face.

Nova: You ready for tonight?

Me: Always ready. You?

Nova: Yep. Getting ready now.

Me: It's not for another six hours, Nova.

Nova: It takes time to look this good.

You always look good.

Me: I roll out of bed looking this good. 😏

Nova: 🙄🙄🙄

Me: Max coming tonight?

Nova: 👍🏼

Me: I'm excited to perform together. It's been a while.

Nova: Me too.

Me: 😘

Nova: See you tonight. ❤️

Tonight, sweetheart.

Nova's POV

"Are you nervous about tonight?" Max walks in behind you as your makeup artist applies another layer of something to your face.

"A little." you meet his eyes in the mirror, giving him a small smile. Things had been weird. Uncomfortable. The guilt of being with Eddie eating you up inside. But you also couldn't wait to see him tonight. To be back on stage with him. You missed it. You missed him.

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