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"Liam, why are you the hot daddy of the group?" I randomly ask while we sat at a bonfire.

"Haha what? Daddy? Honestly thats not even the first time I've heard that." He laughs sipping his beer. We all laugh at his response, and continue to talk.

We did a little bonfire typa shit because we missed hanging out with just us. We haven't done that since they broke up. It was Niall, Liam, Zayn, Louis, Harold and I. "Guys." Niall called out.

"Mmm?" Harry hummed next to me. I had my head laying against his shoulder as his arm rested on my back waist. A blanket covering us giving us extra warmth.

"I've done a lot of thinking about this. Lets become a band again." He says nervously. And the tension in this circle kinda felt really .. well tense.. but I felt a little tipsy to not notice.

"Absolutely not." Harry shakes his head with a cringed face. "I.. actually miss the band H." Zayn speaks up. "I miss performing and touring with you assholes." Louis chimes in. I smile at how they want to reconnect.

"No." Harry stands up with his voice hinting annoyance. Then my smile slowly fades. "Discussion is over." He walks away into the back door.

I sit there surprised by his actions. But I'm to drunk to think that I should do something. "Kiara?" Liam questions me. I gave him a confused look, "What?" I say.

They all stare at me like.. Oh they want me to go talk to him. "Oh no no no, Mr.Styles has a pissy attitude. And I, Kiara Bennet, ain't dealing with that bs." I say as clear as possible so they won't ask me again.

They sit there with these puppy eyes burning into my soul. It just makes me want to puke. But they keep staring, like really deep into my soul, with these puppy sad eyes. They didn't even need to ask again fuck.

"Fuck you guys, seriously." I roll my eyes taking the blanket off of me. I stand up walking to the back door. I hear the boys cheer quietly.

"Harold.. what's wrong handsome?" I walk into the kitchen to find him pacing back and forth. His eyes beginning to gloss and turn red. His jaw clenched. His hands balled up into fists.

"Oh no, my poor baby." I walk over to hug him. I wipe his tears before they could fall. Then my dumbass self pokes his eye on accident. "Sorry, being tipsy has its moments." I mumble. He pulls me into a hug which made me trip over my feet and lay against him.

"I don't want the band together because it'll end as soon as it starts." He talks into my hair.

"I want to be a band again so badly. So fucking badly but what if we're just getting our hopes. I was the reason of the band break up and I don't want to cause it again." He continues explaining how he feels. What he said pissed me off. I stop hugging him and back away just a little for him to see my face.

"Stop it, Harold, you may have walked out on them but you were in the middle of a suicide crisis. It wasn't like you intended on doing it. I know that and they know that." I slur slightly scolding him. He hadn't caused the break up and its really frustrating to get him to understand that. Even the boys know it wasn't his fault.

And I honestly think the boys haven't talked to him about it. How could they? Harry doesn't say anything to anyone but me. The only way they knew of his dark time was because of me.

"Yeah I know, what if I do it again? What if your not there to help me like last time?" He argues with me. I would've understood what he was trying to say if he didn't mean it in such a dick way. My body tensed up and I felt a burning coming up my throat. I wasn't throwing up but my eyes were threatening to cry. It's hard to form words into what to say next.

"Wow.. because I wasn't there last time? Do not.. do not fucking blame me for that. You didn't come to me! You ran to Victoria your "Bff". Haha, remember that? How'd that turn out?" Anger courses through my veins. I regret saying those words in the back of my head but in the moment I didn't care. I'm tired of him always making me feel guilty.

He just stands there clearly pissed not wanting to say more. It only causes me to laugh to myself.

I shake my head, "What am I still doing here?" I mumble to myself. Before I turn around he looks at me and says "I don't know. Why don't you just go? You're always good at that." He fires back.

I stare at him in disbelief, but deep down I know he was right. I was just so drunk and angry to not care. "Goodbye Harry." I say turning around to the back door.

I walk through the halls again and out the back door. As I exit the door I slam it hard so he knows that I'm leaving. I'm not going to cry this time. I feel my face start to turn a bit but I run my hand over my face.

"So how did it go?" Niall stands up. I don't answer but walk right in front of him to get to my car. "Kiara?" Liam stands as well does the rest.

"Why don't you just go ask him yourself. I told you guys I didn't want to deal with him. But I did, and now look at us." I shake my head again and turn back around walking fast to my car.

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