" H A R O L D . "

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She always sang beautifully, every time I heard her it gave me chills. I wish she persuaded in singing instead of acting. But shes also very good in acting, very good. I wish she just wasn't so scared of singing in front of people. If she can act, she should sing. My opinion, at least try it.

She lays back down on my lap looking at the television. We were currently watching a disney show, but the new disney suck so I just stared blankly at the television. I didn't care what we were actually watching I'm just enjoying the time I'm spending with Kiara.


Her eyes started to flutter close slowly. So I turn the telly off and carried her off to bed. I set her lightly onto the bed then she spreads out. "Take my pants off, God its hot." She groans.

I laugh quietly, this isn't the first time I've seen her in her undergarments.

I slowly take her pants off while chuckling as quietly as possible. She pulls the cover up and breathes out. I leave the room till I hear her call out my name. "Harold," She says barely above a whisper. I hate that name so much but its okay if she says it. Because I honestly.. love when she calls me that. "Stay with me .. please."

I turn around with a half smile walking back to her bed. "Sure babe." I lay next to her.

She lays her head on my chest. And with her it's easier to fall asleep. The smell of hair lingers on my face. This girl is so adorable. She looks more peaceful and at ease while asleep. I wish she was like that awake.

God, with her everything is so much easier.


The sun bursts through the blinds. My eyes almost scream when I try to open them. I giggle at the thought of screaming eyes. I lift my head up fast realizing Harry is gone. My heart drops a bit and I frowned. Catching a bit of headache of how fast I lifted my head.

I'm going to have to get some medicine. Getting out of bed, I saw his shirt on the floor. I almost jumped up and down in excitement. He didn't leave! But stopped as soon as I start to feel a bit light headed.

I didn't want him to leave yet. I hardly get to spend time with him. I grabbed his shirt and put it on because my shirt was no where to be found. My God, his shirt smells so good. "Harry?" I called out, no answer. Thats a bit strange, I could hear a pan sizzling and the smell of bacon dance its way to my nose.

My stomach growls and my mouth waters. Now I'm hella hungry for some breakfast. I exit my room walking into the hallway.

"Boo!" Harry yells jumping out of the closet hallway. I scream and laugh in panic. "You alright?" he chuckles. "Shut up." I smile from ear to ear. "Nice shirt." He winks and I giggle.


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