adore you ~ felix

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you've been dating ur boyfriend, felix for about 6 years now, and words can't describe the love you have for him, same for him too.
but sadly you guys have been in a long distance relationship because of work. but that didn't stop you both from loving eachother to the fullest

i was chilling on my day off while watching my demon, as my bestfriend ryujin disrupted my precious time with a sudden call.

"bitch why tf u taking so long to respond??" she scolded.
"girl stfu i was enjoying my fangirling over song kang- anyways what's up?"
"let's go somewhere! i'm bored and i wanna see you" she whined.
"fineee but where to?"

ryujin smirked at her question before responding.

"our usual park!!"
"be there in 20!"  i say exitedly without hesitation.

i rushed to get ready wearing a comfortable hoodie and some pants paired with some sneakers.

as i practically ran to my car,  i drove to the park hurriedly for no particular reason. i guess i just wanted to see my beloved bestie :))

i went to our usual spot and found her waiting for me under the cherry blossom trees which bloomed like every spring.
i smiled from ear to ear as i ran into her arms hugging her tightly
squishing her cheeks afterwards.

"spare me!" she says laughing.
"not familiar with that" i say as we both laughed.

"GIRL I GOT SOME TEA buttt let me get us some ice cream first"

"alright finee but be quick i gotta tell you some shit too" i cackled.
"okay okay" she says walking away to the nearest icecream shop which is like 5 mins away.
"COOKIES AND CREAM 2 SCOOPS" we both exclaimed at the same time.
"GOT IT" she sprinted to the shop.

i smiled widely, cherishing these moments with all my might, as i sat on the bench beneath one blossom tree in particular, where i used to go on dates with felix.
i sighed wishing for his come back.

minutes passed by and there were no signs of ryujin literally anywhere.

i got worried and tried calling and texting her many times but found no luck in doing so.
my heart started pounding like crazy as i started shaking. but as i was about to leave the park, crossing a long path where there ended a small pond taken over by peace. but at that moment that didn't matter, i was finding my way out of the park in hopes of finding her.
and taking a few more steps, 2 people popped from the sides of a blossom tree as i screamed in terror.

until i realized that those 2 people..were my boyfriend and the lost and found ryujin.

"AYO!" they yelled.
i stood there in complete shock not able to utter a single word as my feet stood upon the ground, unable to move an inch of my body, tears welling up my eyes as they slowly made their way down my face like a waterfall.
"w-what?? this can't be real. are you real?"

"no i'm your boyfriend's long lost twin" he joked.

felix just smiled at you as you both ran into eachother's embrace, feeling eachother's missed warmth
and scent.

"i'll take my leave, enjoy ur time love birds!" she says winking.
"i'll text you later" i say smiling, face drenched with tears.

as ryujin left the place , everything went calm, the atmosphere was quiet yet the silence was so..comforting and consoling.

"i missed the feeling of being in your arms, i missed cuddling you to sleep, i missed hearing your therapeutic voice, i missed kissing those pretty plump lips, i missed you and everything about you. you're all that goes on in my mind i just go crazy thinking about you"

he says looking into ur eyes fondly, having the biggest most angelic smile on his face, holding ur waist with one hand and gently caressing ur face with the other as if you were something too fragile.

"why didn't you tell me you were coming?" i say sniffling.
"now how would've i surprised my love like that hm?"

i smile upon hearing those words but curiosity took over me as i asked.
"wait..did ryujin know about this before? or did you tell her after you came?"
"wellll.. yeah she kinda knew before" he says rubbing the back of his neck.

i just pouted.

felix just laughed at ur cuteness, pecking ur lips.

"come on, let's go now, i wanna spend some time with my love"

he says intertwining our hands together as we walked back down the path under the blossom trees, that bloomed under the clear blue sky, as i swung our hands back and forth, smiles not leaving our lips the whole time.
this is all i wanted, just to be with the love of my life, at the place where our relationship grew bigger, where a place held the most enchanting memories between two souls that never knew needed eachother until it was time. at that moment, all that was felt was pure contentment just the two of us. together.
felix stopped as i looked didn't even get a second to say something as he spoke

"thank you for being mine baby, i can't imagine life without you, you make me the luckiest man in the world and i couldn't get any happier than when i'm with you, you complete me y/" he says, kneeling down on one knee.

"will you stay with me till the very end, and let me love you as long as i'm alive..will you marry me kim y/n?"
he says opening the box only to reveal a beautiful diamond ring, that resembles the ones from fantasies. his starry eyes traveled to look at yours, searching for an answer as he patiently waited for you, heart trembling in anxiety.

while on the other hand, you were gonna burst into tears again, you felt a spark of delight rush up your body as you gave him a reply without even thinking twice.


felix couldn't hold back the overflowing joy he felt and the relief of hearing ur answer, as he slid the ring on ur finger, and it was literally made for you.
getting up from his knees he hugged you tightly and spun you around, just then pulling you in by ur waist and kissing ur lips ever so softly and romantically.
when you thought this couldn't get any better, well, a little breeze caused the blossom flowers to make their way down, adding up to everything already happening.
just as you pulled out for air, you looked into eachother, eyes having a language of their own, smiles that can't be held in

"you're the best thing that happened to me"
"i'm the happiest knowing i get to be by ur side" i spoke sweetly.

"i adore you."

this is my first story like...ever 😭
i'll keep updating this book and if anyone has any request feel free to lmk <3

ever 😭 i'll keep updating this book and if anyone has any request feel free to  lmk <3

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