need and desire ~ leeknow (minho)

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you're my favorite view to wake up to.
y/n's pov:
i groaned heavily as i woke up from a deep slumber, only to see my fiancé, minho staring at me with starry eyes.

i rubbed my eyes to clear my vision and knock some sense into myself, but as soon as i did, i blushed away into minho's chest.

oh gosh his focused face was adorable!

his big doe eyes looked so innocent, his cheeks were puffy, and his hair was messy yet still as gorgeous as ever.

"someone's shy hm?" he says in a teasing tone.
"shut up" i mumbled in his chest.

"morning lovey" he says with a warm smile across his face.
"morning bubs" i replied, getting out of bed, but regretted doing so in an instant as my bare feet touched the floor.

"ITS SO COLD" i say looking outside. it was snowing like crazy, but very beautifully. the view from the window looked like it came out of a movie. typical december.

minho pulled your arm for you to lay back down with him and warm you up in this freezing weather.
"it's too cold baby, stay here"
"you needed one excuse for me to stay" i say jokingly while rolling my eyes.
"i needed some warmth anyways" he says nuzzling into the crook of my neck giving it light pecks.

you two enjoyed eachother's warm  embraces in peace.
soon enough, minho broke the comforting silence "

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