an open book ~ bangchan

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Sweater Weather ☁︎︎ The Neighbourhood

flipping through the photo album like an old book, it held every little memory.

the flipping went on and on for hours that felt like days.

"we went on a painting date today, he's horrible but it was fun hehe"
you had quoted this under the picture, a core memory of you guys' first date together.

"he looks hot in that swimsuit"
you chuckled sadly at what you had written a little less than year ago under the picture of him in a short, swimsuit that you took while smiling brightly.

"smudged his nail polish, told him i'll do it for him and he didn't listen bruh :/"
you remembered how he was refusing to let you do his nail polish, saying he's capable of doing it without needing a hand to help. and yet the leakage of the black liquid was all over his white desk. the picture surely showed pure chaos.

"he got me blue tulips!! HOW DID HE KNOW???"
you had written after your second date, under the photo you remember vividly.

"we're lost. yay!"
you laughed lightly at that.
mind going back to when you two got lost in a foreign country.

"my cute dummy :P"
you smiled lightheartedly seeing his smile, at the
sight of the picture of when his ice cream melted and drooped over his hand.

"changbin dragged us to the gym, now he can't walk for another week thanks to him :)"

those memories flooded your mind as soon as you saw each photo, each memory was a precious one to you.

but then and there out of the blue, you heard the door knock. it was 3 knocks, but they sounded desperate for your opening.

you didn't bother closing the album, you just lightly tossed it on the bed "it's all useless anyways" you mumbled.
then got up to open the door.

as soon as you opened it, having no chance to speak or even move, he came in and kissed you passionately, letting out all his built up frustration, need, desperation, aching and desire.

his hands cupped your face, meanwhile you had no clue what to do with yours.

just when you were about to push him off, he held your wrists in his big hands.

you were far too stoked to kiss him back, so you just stood there until he pulled away.

his eyes screamed pain and need. need to have you in his life again. need to be so in love with you again.

"chan what the hell are you doing? huh? stop making this harder for me!" you spoke in a low voice, small pants leaving your lips.

"i can't fucking live without you. i can't survive without you. and you know you can't either y/n. we need each-other. don't you miss me like how i miss you?" he spoke softly.

"more than i ever thought i could miss anything. but it's not the right time chan-"
"listen. i don't care about that right now. all i care about is to be with you. i don't want us to look back in five years and regret not doing what our hearts want us to do. just let me in your heart again. and we can work it all out."

"you never fucking left it! and that's the problem! i want you to fucking leave me alone but i can't let go of you! i hate how i am so in love with you still. if i knew we'd end up like this i would've wished it never happened." you spoke almost shakily, eyes beginning to tear up.
"nononono you won't cry because of me again. don't cry, angel." he whispered.

oh how i missed him calling me that. you thought.

he gently wiped a stay tear away with his warm thumbs.

"just let me be with you again. let us continue what we started. please" he spoke desperately, the last word blurted out in a whisper.

"will we be okay?"
"i don't care if our states are shitty. we'll get through it. we'll be okay. i promise. just don't let go of this hand. ever."
he said, still caressing my face.

you pulled him by the collar of his favorite black sweater which you loved to wear because of his lingering scent. straight into a kiss. a kiss you needed so bad. from him.
his left hand met your waist as the right one cupped your cheek, head tilted to deepen the kiss.

soon you pulled away from each-other for air, immediately wrapping your arms around his neck, face nuzzling in it as you inhaled his perfume.

there your feelings felt like they collided with eachothers'.
the rain started to pour outside as you two stood in the warmth of one another.

"it's too cold for you here no?" he spoke, taking your hands in the holes of his sweater, staring at you worriedly.
"not at all" you smiled lightly.
"i missed the feeling of having the world in my hands."
your smile expanded.
"i missed all of you, chan."
"all of me?" he showed you his dimple smile.
"every.single.bit of you." you pecked his neck, nuzzling into it again.

"let's go get some rest yeah?"
you just nodded.

you two went to your room, holding hands. and at your arrival, the small book of pictures on your bed caught his eyes.

his lip corners immediately turned up slightly. some sadness washed over him to a small level. but he tried to ignore it. yet he couldn't get over the fact that you were missing him so much and flipping through countless memories.

"missed me that much huh?" he teased, smirking.
"shut up" you chuckled and sat on the edge of the bed as he did so too, taking the book in his hands and flipping the pages over one by one. his smile grew after every flip.

"i'm sorry for all that we've been through, i love you y/n." he expressed, putting the book down.

"i love you too channie. my little baby. i'll be okay as long as you're here, holding my hand."

"i'm not a little baby! i'm older than you!" he spoke grumpily, pouting.
"by one month!"
"that doesn't matter!"
"whatever" you huffed.

he just chuckled again, he knew what he wanted and he was glad he retrieved it before it was too late.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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