devil itself ~i.n (jeongin)

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stare into the darkness too long and you'll eventually see what isn't there.

y/n's pov:
it hurts. it really hurts. and day by day it's hurting more.

the darkness of the room took over, nothing filled it, barely even some air for my breath.
i was chained by my wrists and ankles, sat on the floor, emptiness taking over my feelings as i stared blankly at the white wall.

i didn't even have the energy to cry, but my shoulders somehow just slumped down and tears were running down my face, over the dried up tears from a while ago.

my sobs filled up the silence of the room, but that's when a door creak sound was heard..

i had no energy to even move my head, my eyes just went to look at the door. and there he was, no one other than him. the one who made my life a whole misery.
a living hell.

yang jeongin.

he came near my weak body, crouching down infront of me while smirking like the devil he is inside out.

jeongin: "you're not getting out soon enough, my girl"
*he says while lifting my chin up with his fingers*

disgusted. i was so disgusted by him and his actions, he's the last person i ever wanna see.

y/n: "let me go jeongin" *i say tiredly* "please stop this, it happened a long time ago, so.. please just let it go"

he just chuckled and let go of ur chin.

jeongin: "yeah not so fast babygirl , keep your expectations high, but be sure that it won't happen, at least not soon enough"

he spoke with a stern voice as i sat there with ma chains 💅🏻

i expected him to say that, i was prepared, but it still hurts.

he should've gotten over what happened, but he's too stubborn.

jeongin: "ah so, i'd like to sit with you and admire you paining, but you're lucky i got something else to do."
*he says opening the door*
"don't feel too glad i'm gone right now, cause i'll be back before you know it, love"
he says shutting the door

y/n: fuck you yang jeongin *i whispered*


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