a familiar lullaby~i.n (jeongin)

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i play the music and you are the lyrics.


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jeongin's pov:
i sighed heavily as i got back to my rented piano room as usual, taking slow steps towards the object i'm passionate about.
i sat down on the black leathered seat, starting to play the same tunes over again.
they reminded me of her.
she used to play these tunes with me.
memories of us two flooded back into my memory as my fingers went from note to note.
i just wanna flee away from these memories that make me feel miserable. my mind keeps going back and it's like...it gets stuck there, in a time where i was truly happy, when she was there.
or so i thought.

laughs echoed through the almost empty room. it was a bit dark but her presence was like a star that's with me. she wore this long flowy white dress, along with some sneakers. she let her long hair down naturally. i couldn't help but to stare at her up and down. she's too beautiful. y/n. she's the one i play tunes for.

she sat down next to me while playing along with the piano keys, then messing up making us both burst out laughing again.
"wait let me try again" she says exitedly.
"yah i needa practice" i say chuckling
"welp too bad- uh" she glanced at the big clock above the door, with terror and shock on her face.
"what's wrong?" i asked concerned
"i'm sorry" she whispered.
then legitimately ran towards the door, but her figure faded before even going out of the door frame.
i didn't move an inch.
and that was the last time i had seen her.

end of flashback

"maybe she wasn't even real after all, it was my world and she was just in it"

"maybe she wasn't even real after all, it was my world and she was just in it"

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(yes the last part was off my face inspired 😭😭)

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