A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

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Y/N visits Ethan to help him settle in his new home along with Mia and Rose. Whether it's helping set up Rose's crib or moving furniture in, Y/N is willing to help no matter what. Him and Ethan knew each other since childhood but decided to go different paths in life. This didn't stop their unbreakable bromance though. Mia has also been helping with caring for Rose and strangely being  "too friendly" with Ethan's friend.

Ethan: Thank you so much for coming out here to help. It's just been crazy lately with Rose being born and trying to forget about what happened in Louisiana. I appreciate all your help!
Y/N: Sure no problem bro! I'm just happy my apprenticeship with Chris is over and I can enjoy the single life in Florida once we're done here! It's so nice to see you again, I thought you were a goner after what happened in Louisiana.
Mia: Hey Ethan! I just finished reading that cute book to Rose, seems like she could sure use a nap. Could you please bring her up to her crib?
Ethan: No problem Mia. (Takes Rose, upstairs to lay her on her crib, leaving Y/N alone with Mia)
Mia: (Smiles widely at Y/N) Thank you so much for helping us settle into our new home, Y/N! It means the world to us. Rose will thank you when she's older! I made you some Mac & Cheese as my way of saying thank you!
Y/N: Hell yeah! Thank you so much! That's one of my all time favorites, I'll gladly enjoy some! (Starts walking to the kitchen table)
Y/N Thinking: Something's strange about Mia lately...she seems almost TOO happy and optimistic about moving into this new house. She also seems too mentally well adjusted and calm after the horror she endured with Eveline in Louisiana...I'm sure it's nothing crazy I'll look over it
Ethan: Hey, so rose is finally asleep I'm gonna go outside and mow the lawn!
Y/N: Sounds good Ethan! I'm gonna go finish setting up that new door in the upstairs guest room.
Ethan heads outside and starts cutting the grass, once again leaving Mia and Y/N alone.
Y/N: Alright! I better get that door finished already so I can relax! My feet and back are killing me!
After finishing mowing the lawn, Ethan decides to take a nap with baby Rose after a long day of house work. After 15-20 mins, Y/N finishes installing the new door at the guest room and tries to call it a night.
Y/N: Whoo! Glad that's over. Time for a little nap!
Mia: Hey Y/N! You said you're feet were killing you! How about I give you a little foot rub to help you ease the pain off those feet?
Y/N: Awww, that's so kind of you Mia but I think I'll have to respectfully decline.
Y/N: (Slightly startled by Mia's sudden rage) Whoa hey! Relax Mia! You'll wake up rose! Is everything alright? I didn't mean to offend you or your kindness. I'm sorry.
Mia: (Miranda realizing she's about to blow her cover) I-I'm so sorry Y/N! I shouldn't have lashed out at you...it's just that everything that's been happening lately has been taking a toll on me...Eveline, The Bakers, our life here in Europe. It's just been so much to take in at once. Trying to start over hasn't been easy. Again, please forgive my hostility.
Y/N: I totally understand Mia, because I've been there before...look if you really wanna make it up to me then I'll take your foot rub offer. I declined initially out of respect for Ethan because that's something I'd only want my WIFE to do for me. It was nothing against you.
Mia: Thank you for clarifying. Sure I'll make it right between us so go get comfortable on the couch and take those socks off.
Y/N: Sure! (Thinking) Damn, I've never seen her act out this way towards me...I better keep a close eye on her. It's like she sounded like a totally different woman. Almost like a woman with abandonment issues that nobody loves.
Mia: Now put this warm wet towel over your eyes. It'll help you relax. Just getting the oil ready. I promise you it'll feel like heaven on your feet when it's over.
Y/N: Okay sure no problem! I can't wait!
Mia: Okay here it comes!
Y/N immediately tenses up with relief as he feels Mia's soft and oil fingers caressing the tough skin on his feet. Days of hard work and lifting heavily felt like they being squeezed out of his feet like a hot kettle releasing it's steam. He felt embarrassed to say but he was about to fall asleep on the couch from how soothing it felt
Mia (Miranda thinking): That was a close one...almost revealed myself to him. But don't worry my love, we'll soon be reunited as one when I take you back to OUR home. You will be treated like a king and we shall rule over the village and grow our family once I bring back Eva with little Rose! And you'll get to enjoy these foot massage everyday with my unconditional love for you! You look so much like him...it's like he's been reincarnated in you!
After almost an hour of humming lullabies and soothing foot rubs, Mia/Miranda breaks the silence for Y/N
Mia: Can I ask you something personal Y/N?
Y/N: Knock yourself out, ask away.
Mia: What exact qualities do you look for in a woman to be your wife? I'm just curious because you're always busy working hard and long hours but I hardly see you interact with women outside of work.
Y/N: Oh! Well theres a bunch of qualities Mia but what I want in a woman for her to be my wife is MY business. You know how it is nowadays! Men can't have any standards without facing ridicule!
Mia: No, I would really like to know. I won't judge you negatively in any way I promise!
Y/N: Okay, I trust you with that. I would like my future wife to be someone with very long silky hair, very nurturing and always there for me even when I'm at my lowest because I want a traditional woman. She's definitely gotta be a great cook! I always love coming home to a nice warm meal especially after a long day of work! Height doesn't matter to me but a woman who's taller than me is definitely a plus! There's a bunch of other preferences I have but we would be here all night.
Miranda mentally takes notes of these qualities and mentally giggles like a teenager
Mia: Oh...that's fine! Still that's very interesting, I hope you one day find that special someone to spend the rest of your life with. And I hope she loves and worships you like a god! You deserve the best!
Y/N: Um...okay relax there, Mia. You're starting to sound like every girl who friend-zoned me.
Ethan wakes up from his nap with Rose in his arms
Ethan: Hey! Great to see you both again! That nap was so refreshing. And Rose slept all the way through it too! Can't wait till she starts talking so she can enjoy some play time with uncle Y/N!
Y/N: (Chuckles) Definitely looking forward to that time Ethan!
Mia: Glad little Rose finally got some rest! Now let me hold her for a bit, Ethan. You've had her all day.
Ethan: Sure, Mia! But first I need to go get her little sweater, it's suppose to be cold tonight so I wouldn't want her t-
Suddenly Chris shows up with his Hound Wolf squad and raid the house. The explosion of the door knocks Mia unconscious
Ethan: Whoa! Holy shit Chris what's going on!?
Y/N: Yeah! What the hell is happening?? I really hope this isn't a part 2 of what happened in Louisiana! Mia? Mia! Are you okay?
Chris: Sorry Ethan...

 The explosion of the door knocks Mia unconscious Ethan: Whoa! Holy shit Chris what's going on!? Y/N: Yeah! What the hell is happening?? I really hope this isn't a part 2 of what happened in Louisiana! Mia? Mia! Are you okay?Chris: Sorry Ethan

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Both Y/N & Ethan: WHAT THE FUCK?!

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