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All that lied ahead for Y/N was infinite darkness...or so he thought...he felt his eyes were deceiving him when he slowly opened them to find himself lying in a shallow river. He looked around and found himself in some kind of tundra-like wasteland. There was a large bright moon in the sky and the temperature was close to freezing.

Y/N: Is this heaven? Or hell? I hope Ethan is safe...I don't regret saving you bro, I hope you enjoy your new life with your daughter!

Y/N wipes his face with the water one more time before getting up and trying to get a better look at his surroundings. He has no idea where anything is so he decides to start sprinting in a random direction. He felt the cold crisp wind blowing on his wet face. Despite wearing his armor and clothes, it felt more freezing than when he was in the Romanian village.

Y/N: (Thinking) Fuck, it's freezing! It's even colder than when I was alive! I need to find shelter fast or else I'm not gonna survive much longer! But then again, where would I go if I already died in the real world??

After running for another 10 mins, he stops to catch his breath. His voice felt wheezy after running in the arctic cold while breathing in the dry crisp air. He sits down on the ground for a few mins before turn his head up to find a familiar looking house in the distance.

Y/N: Is that my childhood home?? Wherever I am, this is clearly some kind of purgatory and I'm just seeing things! I better check if it's real!

Y/N: Is that my childhood home?? Wherever I am, this is clearly some kind of purgatory and I'm just seeing things! I better check if it's real!

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While running towards the house, some theories started to come to his head. One side of him was excited to see something so nostalgic that brought back fond memories of a better time in his life. On the other hand, he felt that this was a trap set up in this unknown world he was in. He couldn't tell if he was in hell or heaven. But seeing that house gave him a small sense of comfort.

Y/N: Okay, almost there. Maybe there's still some things inside from my childhood or my dad's hidden arsenal of weapons! Wait a that someone inside?

He sees a light turn on and a figure walking through the room. He wish he could get a better look but the window curtains obscured the view. His curiosity only grows stronger as he makes his way to the front door. He notices the front door is unlocked and slowly turns the knob.

Y/N: Hello?! Anyone home? I'm lost! I don't know where I am but I need some answers, please!

He is greeted with almost complete silence. The only noise he hears is the crackling of the ambers/wood in the fireplace. He walks around the first floor of the house. There's some leftover nerf guns laying by the tv in the living room and a half eaten sandwich on the recliner. His father had a habit of leaving half-eaten food when he would take naps on his recliner. The sight of it made him chuckle.

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Generational Curse (Yandere Mother Miranda X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now