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Present Time:
After running through the forest once again, Y/N stops for a while to catch his breath. He was thinking about the last conversation he had with Mia. One side of him wanted to explode with anger/rage and the other wanted to comfort her for all the pain she's been through. The anger, stemming from the beans she spilled about what really happened back in Louisiana. Even though he was angry at her, he still didn't believe that she deserved what has been happening to her in the village. He eventually settles on a large trees and sits down on the slushy snow while leaning his back against the tree.

Y/N: (Panting while talking to himself) were never truly on a business trip, huh Mia...I can only imagine how Ethan will react once he finds out the truth. Because the truth will come out one way or another. There's nothing you can say to get out of this, Mia!

After lying there for a while, he gets on his feet and continues his way back to the other side of the forest. He eventually reunites with a familiar face.

Ethan: Oh thank god you're still alive! Thank you for holding her off for me! I appreciate it because thanks to you I was able to defeat that lord named Moreau.
Y/N: I'm so glad you're still alive as well! I'm not gonna lie I thought it was game over for me back there with her! Luckily it looks like Chris is nearby because thanks to him I was able to escape last minute.
Ethan: Speaking of Chris, I was able to get in contact with him again. He told me everything that you already told me...
Y/N: Oh...did he mention anything about Mia?
Ethan: No he didn't, is she still alive??
Y/N: Yeah...but there's a dark secret that she's been keeping from all of us. I think she's gonna be in a lot of trouble when we get home.
Ethan: This is too much to take in at once...what exactly did she do!?
Y/N: I know where Miranda has her held captive. I'll let her explain herself to you.

Both men make their way back to Miranda's house in the mountain. After a brief struggle climbing up there, they make it inside and mia's eyes immediately light up with joy.

Mia: Ethan?? OHH (sobbing)'s so good to see you again! I thought I last you forever back in at the bakers! Miranda has been keeping me here like a lab rat with her experiments! That wasn't m-(Ethan gently places his finger on her lip before having his own word with her)
Ethan: Mia...I've missed you so much as well. But I need you to be completely honest with me. About everything that you've been up to until now. I promise, no matter what it is, I'll do my best to make it work between us because our daughter needs us!
Mia: Ethan...I don't know-
Y/N: Please is the time to make this right.
Mia: (Sighs) Before all this happened...I was working with a bio-terrorist group called The Connections...they were responsible for building that...thing...named E-001 AKA Eveline. When Miranda didn't see her as an adequate vessel for her daughter, Eva, she ordered us to have Eveline shipped to another unknown group where they would dispose of her. But during the transport, we were hit with a horrible storm on our ship. Eveline was becoming more emotionally distressed and somehow she must've found about our plan for her. She ended up escaping custody and I was forced to hunt her down while she slaughtered whoever else was on board. But when she saw me as her surrogate mother, she rescued me from the ship crash and then we landed at the baker's residence somehow. After you both got us out of the baker's situation, we tried to live our life peacefully again by starting a family. But almost immediately after giving birth to her, I was kidnapped by Miranda. She wanted to infiltrate our home and used my dna to disguise herself as me while keeping me trapped in here. If you noticed any personality changes with me at home, ethan, that's because it wasn't me in there! I'm so sorry, Ethan...and you too Y/N! You both didn't deserve any of this! Whatever awaits me back at home, I'm willing to make it right, whatever the cost.
Y/N: you had nothing to do with creating Eveline?
Mia: Absolutely not! She was created by The Connections, they raised her in a lab without any sense of compassion or morals. They wanted her to be a heartless killing machine while covertly disguised as a child!
Y/N: Those...fucking animals! Why would they do this to such a defenseless child?! It's not like she was born evil! She didn't know any better! It breaks my heart even more knowing it was me and Ethan who ended her life! Look, I'm not trying to excuse the atrocities that she committed but all I'm saying is that she was built to be this way against her will.
Ethan: Maybe it was the best thing for her, Y/N. My last words to her were 'goodbye Eveline' because one of her last words were 'why does everyone hate me'. I heard the anguish and pain in those last words. She was brought into this world through greed and cruelty. I felt bad as well when we defeated her, you're not alone in that regard. I guess she also must've had abandonment issues because she was tired of everyone leaving her when they tried to escape the baker's home. And when rejected her 'gift' she would react violently while sobbing about how no one will ever love her. I hope wherever she is now, she's living her life in peace.

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