Strapped For Cash

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Y/N: Thank you so much for this meal, Miranda! It was finger-licking good 🤤 !
Miranda: You're very welcome, my love! Would you like to nap?
Y/N: Yeah! That food was really filling I sure could use a nap to sleep it off!
Miranda: Turn yourself around and just relax...
Y/N: Um...okay. Miranda it's ok-aaaaaaahhhhhh (relaxed)

Miranda uses her sharp nails to gently scratch his sore back that was craving it anyways. The sound of the nails trailing through the skin compares to a child playing/digging through the sand at the beach. His body would occasionally quiver in pleasure when the nails would move towards his lower back or scraping through some of his back acne.

Y/N: This feels like heaven...
Miranda: All you have to do is accept my gift, my love. And you can enjoy this for all eternity!

Y/N ignores her and pretends to fall dead asleep so she would leave him alone

Miranda: Sleeping so peacefully like a little baby...sweet dreams for now, sweetheart! (Kisses his head before leaving) I must go check on the commotion from those villagers now! Perhaps, I can even see if Ethan has disposed of the rest of my "children"!

After Miranda leaves the home, Y/N gets his restraints off and jumps off the bed. He immediately gets out of the room and grabs his barebones gear before checking on Mia.

Y/N: Okay, listen Mia, I'm gonna try to go get some help! I'm gonna try to look for rose and Ethan so we can escape this crazy mess!
Mia: Wait! Take me with you! I want to get out of here NOW!
Y/N: I'm sorry Mia, you'll be more of a liability if I keep you with me with all those god-forsaken monsters! I promise I'll come back for you once I reunite with Ethan and hopefully Rose!
Mia: Don't you dare leave me here alone!

Y/N hugs Mia one more time before leaving the house.


She violently shakes the metal bars in vain out of anger and sadness

Mia: Please be careful...

After a while of climbing down the mountain from the house, Y/N makes it back to the mainland of the village.

Y/N: Man that meal was so satiating! I'm sorry Miranda, but I need to save my family!

After taking a short break to catch his breath, he has come into the realization that he's gonna need upgrade his arsenal in order to rise against what lies ahead. Especially after getting captured, his chances of survival, as of now, are slim. Eventually, he comes across an extremely-obese but wealthy-looking man (The Duke) and is greeted with a friendly tone. But he could tell, this man meant business

Duke: Greetings, outsider! I presume you're accompanying another outsider named Ethan Winters!Y/N: Hello, the name's Y/N! Have you seen Ethan anywhere?Duke: I have no recollection of where he has recently gone but I've heard from an old haggard wo...

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Duke: Greetings, outsider! I presume you're accompanying another outsider named Ethan Winters!
Y/N: Hello, the name's Y/N! Have you seen Ethan anywhere?
Duke: I have no recollection of where he has recently gone but I've heard from an old haggard woman that he is heading to the Beneviento home!
Y/N: Any idea where I can find that place? Also, got any weapons that I can use?
Duke: I have a map of this entire village but it's gonna cost you! I've got a large variety of firearms and weapons at your disposal but they're not gonna come cheap!

Generational Curse (Yandere Mother Miranda X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now