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I sat down in the kitchen chair, my head pounding as my mom hummed.

"Jesus mads, you look like you just tried anal for the first time!" I scowled, putting my head in my hands and whining.

"I had a late night, mama" When I looked up she was grinning, ear to ear.

"I'm aware, I saw you and Tom on the cameras" I gasped, watching as she casually slid two pancakes onto my plate.

"you've been stalking me?" she laughed, shaking her head.

"no baby, the front door camera, for outside"

I said nothing.

"so tell me, are you two a thing?" she dragged on the end of the sentence, turning away from the stove to look at me again.

"well- I don't know. I told him I'm not easy, he's taking me out again tonight to try and win me over" she squealed, slightly jumping up and down in excitement.

almost perfect timing, too. I watched as my phone lit up with a text from Tom, reading;

"I'll be at your place by 6, we're going somewhere" my mom cocked a brow, grabbing my phone out of my hand and reading the text, a big toothy smile growing on her face as she placed it back in my hands.

"oh my baby's gonna have a husband soon!" she squealed, squeezing me in her arms quickly before sitting down herself.

"you only have 4 hours mads, go start getting ready" I laughed and shook my head.

"mama, you're more excited about it than I am" She rested her head in her hand, smiling at me still.

"well of course I am, he's rich, handsome, fast, he's a good boy and a great boy for you!" I rolled my eyes, telling her I loved her before heading back upstairs.

it was officially date time in an hour, I had gotten completely ready before then, however, my makeup wasn't quite ready yet.

I pressed play on my music, beginning my makeup.

after nearly 45 minutes I was finished, outfit on, hair done, and makeup done, I thought I looked good.

I heard a honk from outside, I got up, looking out of my window, and seeing Tom leaning against his car with one arm crossed while the other held a cigarette.

I smiled, making my way downstairs and looking at the clock, 5:54, I laughed a little, letting my mom; who was sitting on the couch and watching family guy- know that I loved her, and heading outside.

"you're here early, hmm?" when his eyes caught sight of me, his breath hitched, body stiffening as he stared.

"I see you like the short dresses" I giggled a little as I spun for him, pushing my ass out a little when my back was facing him.

"be careful, Maddy. Don't make the mistake of thinking I won't take you in my car right now" A little laugh sounded from his throat as he opened the passenger side door, allowing me in before making his way around and getting in himself.

as we made our way to the restaurant we had in depth conversations, pieces of ourselves exploring each other.

I was so lost in the story he was telling that I didn't even feel his back tire pop until he made it known.

he cocked a brow, looking back before turning to me.

"stay in the car, baby... I need to check that" I did as told, biting my lip and playing with my hair as he got out of the car.

I looked around the car for a little, spotting little trinkets and stupid small items I would mess around with for a moment before placing back.

I wasn't doing anything more than just sitting there, completely ignoring the outside world, that was, until I heard a loud gunshot.

I shook, jumping as I frantically looked outside, Tom wasn't hurt but had his gun out, spinning slightly as he aimed.

after several more gunshots sounded something just kicked in, without thinking I threw open the passenger side door, tripping as I fell out of the car.

I was too frozen in fear to move, just sitting on my butt and leaning on my hands as my elbow bled softly.

I eyed my surroundings, quickly spotting 2 men dressed in black aiming guns at Tom, the second they saw me they were quick to point their guns at me, laughing while they did it.

I shut my eyes, afraid of what would happen if the trigger was pulled.

I heard another loud gunshot, making me shake, it wasn't until I opened my eyes that I realized I wasn't harmed at all, in fact, there was now only one guy standing, no longer pointing his gun at me.

"do not fucking touch her" Tom yelled, firing off several more bullets as the other guy screamed, hopping back in his car and firing off more shots at Tom and me, which Tom reciprocated.

within an instant I felt myself being yanked up by my hair before being thrown back into the car, the passenger door slamming shut seconds after.

I watched as Tom slid back into the driver's seat, just sitting there, the silence in the car was uncomfortable.

he said nothing for a good few moments, just staring at his dashboard.

"Never do that stupid shit again" Tom spat, making eye contact with me, which I was quick to break.

the car ride home was uncomfortable and grossly quiet, I wasn't sure if we were still even going out, which I doubted, but there was a possibility.

after a good while I noticed my house pulling up, the gravel crunching beneath his car, I attempted to awkwardly open the passenger side but was quickly stopped, toms touch was gentle now, no longer rough and manhandling.

he slowly got out of his side, making his way around the car and allowing me out, without hesitation he engulfed me in a hug, the scent of his cologne filling my brisk nose.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have hurt you like that," I said nothing, allowing the hug to continue as he lined soft kisses along my forehead.

"you could've gotten killed, Maddy, I was just mad" I nodded beneath his touch, his kisses making me woozy as I wrapped my arms around him now.

after a relatively long hug, he pulled away, looking me in the eyes before grabbing my hand and placing kisses along each knuckle, intertwining our fingers after.

"we can try this again tomorrow, okay?" I smiled and nodded, staring at his beautiful brown eyes.

I watched as he got in his car once more before driving off, after a few more moments outside I walked over to my front door, my mom letting me in and smiling as she saw me.

"you okay, baby?" I nodded, walking over to the island and grabbing a piece of bacon she had made, presumably for herself.

"yeah- I think..." she squinted, making her way over to me and hugging me.

"I love you Maddy, wanna talk to me about it?" I shook my head, shivering as I remembered the day.

"no, no thanks, mama..." I sighed, and she just nodded and kissed my head, I slowly made my way upstairs, slipping off my dress and heels and changing into a big t-shirt, not bothering to wipe off my makeup.

it wasn't long until I drifted off to sleep.

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