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I waited as he woke, admiring all of his features while he slept.

I thought about everything, unsure of my own thoughts.

I had come back in my own volition and yet I was still so terrified of what happened to me. yes, I had gone to therapy, and yes it had been helping, but I still struggled constantly.

I was shaken from my trance by the groggy sound of Tom waking up, his eyes fluttering open as he smiled and pulled me on top of him.

"Watching me while I sleep now hm?" he held a grin, eyes squinting while he smiled.

"you're a cocky one aren't ya?" I laughed, kissing his cheek and trailing them further til my lips rested on his collarbones.

"It gets me my way with you though" he shrugged, hands roaming down my back before finding their way back up.

I hummed in appreciation at the gesture and laid my head down, getting comfortable in the silence we greeted each other with.

"We still need to talk, mads" I bit my lip beneath his head, shaking my head into his skin and sighing.

"Do we?"

"Mmhm" he hummed, petting my hair in gentle strokes as I tutted, sitting up in his lap and shuffling comfortably while he sat up slightly.

"I know you're still pissed at me—" I cut him off with a kiss to the lips before pulling away and humming, tracing circles into his bare chest.

"I'm mad, not pissed" The corners of his lips tugged upwards, eyes narrowing as he struggled to not smile further.

"So would you be willing to try again with me?" his voice came out in a near-whisper, eyes half lidded as he looked at me lovingly.

"Do you plan on letting me get kidnapped again?" I retorted and shot him an unimpressed look as he pouted before pulling me closer slightly, arms pressed against me and fingers gentle on my hips.

"Glad to see you making jokes, sweets." he paused, fingers tapping rhythmically to the sounds of the birds chirping nearby.

"And no— I don't plan on that happening again" I took in the sight beneath me, what was supposed to be Tokyo's most dangerous gang leader was staring up at me with love in his eyes as I sat in his lap intimately.

I pursed my lips slightly, pressing them into a tight line as I thought for a moment, fingers raking down his chest and stopping on his abs.

"Then yeah, maybe we can start over" his eyes lit up at my statement, mouth finally forming a full smile as he mentally congratulated himself. He leaned up into me, pressing kisses against my lips and messily trailing them further away, marking the corners of my lips; then my cheeks; and finally, my neck.

I giggled as his lips lightly tickled my skin, pushing him away as I laughed.

"Me and Bill were gonna head out today, are you coming with?" his eyes shot up at me as I smiled sweetly, fingers resuming their way up to his pecs and tracing circles into them once more.

"Probably not, I owe a day to georg and Gustav. You need to get dressed?" I shook my head, his smile not faltering as he pulled me close and littered my face in kisses once more.

"More time for me to kiss you like this"

I hummed as I looked out the car window, Bill's hand resting lovingly against my thigh as I counted the cars we'd drive by; noting in my head all the different colors and shapes.

"yknow, Madeleine?" I looked over at him, eyes meeting loving ones as we pulled into the driveway of the coffee shop.

"This is the first day I get to take you out like a sister to me" I blushed lightly, hiding my bashful smile as I grabbed his hand in mine.

"Oh stop it, Bill"

"I'm serious, Maddy. You are genuinely one of the closest people to me apart from Tom and the others" I gave no response, eyes squinting as I continued to smile and blush.

"Ah ah-" he ticked, hopping out of the car eagerly as he made his way around to my side and opened the car door for me, playfully bowing as I stepped out.

"Tom not the only one who can be a gentleman" Bill jutted his bottom lip out,  pursing his lips tightly into a smile as he narrowed his eyes at me.

I laughed, grabbing his hand and helping myself out.

The door shut tightly against the car as me and bill made our way inside, A waitress coming up after a few minutes of small talk and taking our small orders.

"Did you talk to him yet?" paused me from my sip of water as I smiled, tilting my head and gazing down at the cup in my hand.

"Yeah, we're gonna try things again" When I looked up he was smiling, grinning even.

"I'm proud of you mads, that takes a lot of courage" his fingers tapped rhythmically to the faint music playing from the distant speakers as the bleak sunlight shone against his face from the windows.

"Thank you, Bill. took a lot of time, too"


After a while of waiting the waiter came by, setting down some avocado toast with all sorts of toppings for Bill and a stack of 3 pancakes for me.

The scent engulfed my nose immediately, eyes lighting up at the sight in front of me as I smiled at the waiter and thanked her patiently.

"Hey, Mads?" I kept my gaze on my pancakes as I sliced into them, humming up at the male and taking a bite, mouth watering at the taste.

"I love you" in the same way it did when Tom told me he loved me for the first time, my heart exploded.

The only difference being.. this wasn't Tom, and this wasn't romantic. This was lovingly, but not in the way Tom had meant it.

I knew what he meant, a smile creeping up on me as I finally looked up at the male.

"Like— as a..." my voice dropped, I needed to know for sure.

"As a sister, mads" I smiled sheepishly, knowing how well this made me feel.

I hadn't had any siblings growing up, nor did I have any resemblance to any; so to finally have that hole filled was a feeling I never thought I'd get.

"Love ya too, Bill" my lip quivered as I wiped my increasingly teary eyes with my sleeve, sniffling at the male and taking another bite of my pancakes.

"Although— sorry to ruin the moment- I need to tell you something" I gave it a moment, letting the excitement course through me as I smiled sweetly at the male, taking in the feeling of being loved as a sister as much as i could before it was taken away by whatever bill had to say next.

"What's up?" I placed another slice of the pancake on my tongue, syrup filling my taste buds.

"So... you remember how Tom killed Hiroshi the night you got back... right?"

Fear welled up in my stomach as my smile dropped, my body straightening at his words.

"...yeah..." I muttered out quickly, leaning in slightly as if it'd make him talk quicker.

"Well, um... his gang is pissed... and wants revenge" My eyes widened, fear continuing to fill my body as I straightened completely.

He was quick to shake his head.

"I wouldn't worry too much, though! You know how strong Tom is, he wouldn't let anything bad happen to you or him" Bill's quick charming smile was quick to appear on his face as he reassured me happily, head tilting at my relief.

We had finished up our little brother-sister date and began our short drive home, Bill's music playing loudly as he quietly sang along to it, my fingers tapping to the beat against the center console.

I calmed at the amount of reassurance I was given yet still felt it creep behind me cautiously, just barely with me at all times.

I did my best to shake it away, though.


long chapter to make up for my long hiatus 🤍

been doing better recently, hope people enjoy this <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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