Chapter 1: Pariah

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Log 097: It has been precisely three stellar cycles, eight orbital cycles, and twenty-seven solar cycles since I have been marooned on our dead planet, left for scrap by the incompetent servos of Starscream. Energon has become increasingly difficult to locate and process, leaving only the tiniest traces of our lifeblood hidden away in abandoned cities and underground vaults long thought lost to the war. My latest acquisition of energon from the Sea of Rust did not come without cost to my form. It is likely I will be without my treads for the foreseeable future if my latest spacebridge test is not successful. 

Despite this grave setback, the scavenge was more fruitful than anticipated. I was able to successfully recover spare parts to complete the construction of a functional spacebridge. Time is of the essence, and not a single drop of energon can be spared if I am to have any hope of leaving Cybertron. All scavenged energon has been devoted to the operation of the spacebridge portal, and even so the gate may only stay online for a few seconds at most. 

My own reserves have reached a critical low, necessitating the unfortunate termination of Project Predacon here in my on-site laboratory. The specimen was highly promising, but ultimately expendable in the long run. It's energon should be enough to sustain me until the spacebridge can be brought online. Should my efforts prove successful, I hope to employ my Predacon research to great effect in Lord Megatron's conquest. Assuming the coordinates acquired from my cortical psychic patch with Arcee are still valid, I will be setting my destination for the planet known as Earth. Shockwave out.


I sighed as the bell signaling lunch rang throughout the school, slowly packing up my notebook and pencils and letting everyone else file out of the classroom first. Looking up, I spared a glance at my friends to see if by some miracle things might be different today, but that didn't seem to be the case. Jack wouldn't look at me, didn't even bother saying anything, just picked up his stuff and walked away. Raf at least met my eyes briefly, a sad smile gracing his face. He looked slightly guilty, even though he had absolutely no reason to feel that way. Before leaving to get his food, he gave me a quick sign. 

Will you be okay? I felt my lips turn into a sad smile of their own at the gesture, giving Raf a sign back. I'll be fine. Say hi to the team for me. When I had first come to Jasper, it was hard making friends given the language barrier. Raf and I met through an ASL class early in the year, and he'd often tutor me when I struggled with a particular hand motion. It wasn't something that came up often nowadays, but it warmed my heart every time we talked like that. It felt like we had our own secret code that no one else knew. 

"Hey Raf, you coming or what?! Thought we'd try out that new Mexican place!" Raf looked down the hall to where Jack was calling him, nervously glancing back at me every so often. "Yeah! I'll be there in a sec!" Sparing one last look at me, Raf's smile dropped. I'm worried about you, Miko. You know you can always come talk to me. I sighed, shrugging on my backpack and walking out of class in the opposite direction

I said I'm fine. Really, it's no big deal. Don't worry about me and go enjoy a burrito with Jack, okay? I didn't bother looking back to see if Raf signed anything else to me, making my way to the parking lot. Skipping class wasn't something new for me, I had always been a delinquent after all. Rules were meant to be broken and all that jazz. Not all rules. The thought had invaded my mind ever since the scolding from last week, and time hadn't helped me forget it easily. It all started during a regular mission for Team Prime.

The Autobots were low on energon again, so the team was gearing up to strike one of the Decepticon mines out in Roseburg, Oregon. Naturally, I wanted to capture some more epic pics of the Autobots kicking Con tailpipe! The mine was pretty spacious, so I figured I would be able to get a decent angle to capture all of the action in a few shots. I even thought about getting a panorama shot and maybe a video too. 

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