Chapter 15: Honor to the End

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Stepping into the frigid Artic, I scanned over the wasteland of ice and frost. There was no sign of any activity, human or Autobot, within our immediate range. Good, then I have enough time to cut off loose ends.

"Split up and search the area! Leave no sector unchecked!"

The four Vehicon troopers sent to aid in my mission all gave me salutes before dispatching in search of the artifact. Little did they know that their search would be fruitless, nothing but a distraction for me to set my plans in motion. Not wanting to waste precious time, I quickly planted the explosive devices across the glacier before sticking a beacon with my energon signature into the ground.

A few kliks later and a sufficient distance gained from the blast radius, I activated my comm link once more and lured my prey into their final resting place. "Squadron, report back to my coordinates!"

As four jet contrails converged overhead and down into the prepared trap, I turned and began walking away before pressing down on the detonator in my servo. The massive explosion of a dozen bombs echoed across the icy plane, and what few soldiers managed to survive the blast were crushed beneath the falling blocks of ice.  

"Forgive me, my brethren. May you become one with the Allspark in peace. Now . . ."

I stepped off of the cliff, allowing myself to enter freefall before transforming and flying towards the coordinates I had transmitted in my message to the Autobots. My plan was risky, but the potential reward would be well worth the gamble. Hopefully, the Autobots would agree to my terms. If not . . . well, I'd improvise. I refused to leave Miko's life to the whims of fate.

Not ten kliks later, my sensors picked up an Autobot energon signature in the distance, precisely where I'd instructed them to meet me. Zooming in, I could see the frame of Optimus Prime himself standing before me, gazing into the sky as my jet form descended towards him. I slowed my thrusters and swooped down low before transforming back into my robot mode, pulling myself up to meet the Prime's gaze head on.

"To be perfectly honest, I wasn't quite sure if you would show up or not, Optimus Prime."

"I know of you, Dreadwing, just as I knew your twin, Skyquake. If you and him truly shared the same principles of honor, then I am willing to abide by your terms, so long as you will abide by mine."

"You are well aware of my stipulations, Optimus. Me and my allies gaining immunity for our previous transgressions in exchange for switching our allegiance to the Autobot cause, so that we may continue our efforts to heal the former human known as Miko from her trauma caused by Megatron. So, what is it you demand from us in return?"

"Miko's safety is my primary concern. All I can ask of you is that you do your best to weather the storm of resentment my fellow Autobots will no doubt send your way, for the history shared between us. That, and I would gladly appreciate your aid in securing the relic we are both currently tracking. The more relics the Autobots possess, the less of a threat Megatron is to all of us, Miko included."

At that moment, both of our sensors picked up a disturbance nearby, an energon signature registering as neither Decepticon nor Autobot, followed by an explosion.

{"Prime! An Arctic base is being attacked near your location! Get in there and take care of the threat so that I can start sending in relief efforts!"}

"Understood, Agent Fowler!"

As Optimus began to run towards the smoke over the horizon, I chased after him.

"We must prevent further human casualties!"

"Judging by the direction of the smoke and our own sensors displaying an energon source at the center of the blast, it is reasonable to assume that a Cybertronian is attacking the human military base."

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