Chapter 9: Rivals & Revelations

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As we exited the groundbridge and stood at the mouth of a cave that opened into an underground cavern, a flash of lightning illuminated the four of us for a moment. Each and every one of our faceplates was hardened, ready for what was to come. Airachnid, you die here.

"Proceed with extreme caution."

We all nodded to Optimus' warning, carefully making our way down the slope of rubble. Thankfully, stealth wasn't a huge necessity. There was already plenty of noise coming from the fight occurring at the base of the cavern. The further we made our way down, the louder the sounds of combat became. 

As the tunnel opened up to fully reveal the underground arena, I caught sight of an Insecticon flying in the air looking somewhat confused. I felt myself getting a bit perplexed at the situation, until a gust of wind from above assaulted me. Looking up, I saw the decloaking frame of a massive bird-like beast that matched Bulkhead and Wheeljack's description of the Predacon.

Said beast proceeded to transform midair and slam its feet into the shell of the Insecticon Beatle. The two skidded to the ground, with the Insecticon looking like it was struggling to get up. Meanwhile, the Predacon, who was undoubtably a femme now that I could see her robot mode, was crouching low, her thick tail moving back and forth in anticipation.

"Finish her!"

My optics moved from the strange Predacon to find the source of the voice that would forever haunt me. Airachnid was watching the fight between her Insecticon and Megatron's supposed new super soldier, irritation clear in her voice and movements. Pretty soon, you won't feel anything.

"That's the Predacon me and Jackie saw the other day. Scream never mentioned anything about that."

"It would seem that Starscream orchestrated this convergence in the hope that all his enemies would destroy each other in his behalf."

"And I fell for it."

Bulk held a servo up to his faceplate. Jack had once told me that it was called a facepalm here on Earth. It amused me that certain gestures carried over between our cultures despite our vast differences. But that wasn't important right now. All that mattered to me was that the subject of my vengeance was finally within my sights.

"Well, you can have whatever's left of those two, Airachnid's mine!"

"Arcee, no!"

I'm sorry Optimus, but this is something I just can't let go

Not sparing a moment lest my chance disappear, I transformed and sped down the rocks, launching myself into the air off of a ramp that had naturally formed in the rock over millennia. While I prepared to take on my most hated foe, part of my attention snapped to the fight further down.

The Insecticon was clearly getting sloppy and desperate, throwing itself around in an attempt to crush its opponent under the weight of its frame. Meanwhile, the lithe yet strong Predacon was dancing around her prey, adding numerous slash marks to the Insecticon's frame and cutting vital pistons to further slow her adversary down. 

Doesn't seem like such a mindless beast to me.

Transforming midair like I'd witnessed the Predacon do moments earlier, I roughly tackled Airachnid to the ground before throwing her into the cavern wall with all my strength. The two of us picked ourselves up and locked optics, hate bleeding from both our sparks.


I didn't bother greeting my enemy, there was nothing left to say. Summoning my arm blades, I rushed forward and let loose a flurry of cuts, forcing Airachnid to retreat further into the depths of the underground cave system. I rushed after her with haste, not willing to have her slip through my grasp.

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