Chapter 11: Unexpected Developments

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Today wasn't a day I was looking forward to, I could feel it in my bones. It was time to submit my field report about the Autobots to my superiors once more, only this time things were far more complicated than ever. 

Part of me, a rather large part in fact, wish to just walk back the way I'd come in and ditch this whole thing all together. But I knew that there was only one way out of this mess, and that was to plow through to the end. Sucking up my pride and concealing my fear, I opened the door to General Bryce's office, noticing him and another soldier holding a camera.

"Special Agent Fowler, please come in."

"What's Private Daily doing here with that camera?"

"He will be making a record of today's session."

After pointing out to the private that he was a bit too close for comfort, I took my seat opposite General Bryce and did my best to collect myself. It wasn't as if I was scared of the man, in fact we were on pretty good terms with one another. But this was a delicate situation, especially with the recent incident with the false Optimus Prime, and our newest Predacon on the prowl.

"Sorry I didn't dress for the occasion."

"Formality won't be any more necessary than usual, Bill. But I do need to inform you that our superiors are on the warpath."

"They want answers regarding recent events."

It wasn't a question, it was merely a fact, one that I both understood completely and also vehemently hated in this moment. Knowledge is power, and people don't like to feel powerless, least of all the U.S. Government. Unfortunately, war is based in deception, and our enemies were so well versed in the idea, their faction was named after the concept. General Bryce nodded as he continued.

"Perhaps we should begin with the demise of Optimus Prime."

"I thought we straightened this out. Prime is alive and well."

"That's difficult for our superiors to accept without the benefit of seeing Optimus and the alleged imposter."

"Side by side? That didn't seem to be the wisest option at the time. The sky jockeys were under direct orders to destroy any and all Autobots on site."

I didn't bother mentioning that even if I agreed to try something like that, Optimus would never go along with it. It had taken some time and critical observation, but now I was more certain than ever that Optimus Prime would never risk harming humans under any circumstances, even indirectly. 

"We were in a heightened state of security, Agent Fowler."

"Let's consider the positives. Though the base was destroyed, 95% of the imposter Prime's frame was left for us to collect and deconstruct. From accessing its internal systems, we were able to confirm that it was built by M.E.C.H., and most likely piloted by their leader."


"The stage name for one Colonel Leland Bishop. The footage recovered from the base caught most of the fight between the two titans, and the fake Prime's combat maneuvers match up perfectly with Bishop's style from his days in special tactics."

"And this is all the information we have on him?"

"Everything else is speculation at this point, but I believe it's worth investigating to see if other M.E.C.H. agents are also special tactics. It could be why they choose to hide their faces; they might be acting as spies infiltrating our security network. In the meantime, I believe that greater threats should be left to metal hands more capable than our own."

No matter how this debriefing went, I vowed to fight for Team Prime to the end. They had saved me more times than I could count, and I had come to really respect them. Sure, some of the Autobots didn't get along with me all the time. Wheeljack and I were still butting heads from time to time, but a common purpose had been instrumental in keeping us together. I wouldn't dare give up on them now. They earned their place amongst humanity in my eyes.

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