Chapter 12: A Double Date with Death

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I felt all of my systems begin to malfunction as my body refused to move. My injuries had taken care of while I was in emergency stasis, and to the best of my knowledge I energon levels had been fully replenished, so there was nothing wrong with me physically. 

No, I couldn't currently move because the good doctor was scolding me like there was no tomorrow while also hugging me as if his life depended on it. Ironic, considering that he may very well lose his spark should Megatron or Soundwave catch him in the act of providing me comfort, as awkward as it was.

"Never, ever get yourself in such a dire predicament again! Do you hear me young lady?!"

Not trusting my voice box at the moment, I simply did my best to nod to Knockout. He seemed to understand and thankfully let go of my frame. I was surprised to see that he didn't even bother fussing over his own finish.

"Well, at least you're alive. Breakdown and Dreadwing would have put me through the wringer if anything substantial had happened to you."

"What a-about Megatron?"

". . . yes, I do not like disappointing my lord."

Knockout's tone was noticeably forced as he almost spat out the words, as if they had personally offended him. But it was becoming increasingly clear that Knockout, Breakdown, and Dreadwing were cutting ties with Megatron as much as possible without inciting open rebellion. I felt split on how to feel in that regard. 

On the one hand, I was almost certain that the three Decepticons could confidently be counted as my allies, and that they would fight for me. The odds of us beating or even escaping the Decepticon army were slim to none, but I held out hope.

On the other hand, just because they were looking out for me, didn't necessarily mean that they would defect and join the Autobots. And despite my fear of returning to my former friends and facing rejection once again, I still cared about them and the Autobot cause. My spark ached as it tried to choose between those who had kept me safe in the past, and those who protected me now.

My thoughts fortunately got a break from their internal debate. Unfortunately, the interruption was something I absolutely didn't desire in the slightest. Megatron strode into the room, the height of his frame overshadowing everything in the medical bay. Shockwave was just behind the lord of the Decepticons, looking as impassive as ever.

"So, a copy of Optimus Prime was attacking humans, and nearly exterminated my project as well?"

I remained silent, my wings laying as flat to my back as possible while my tail curled up instinctively out of fear. The gleam of malice in Megatron's optics only seemed to intensify at the display. Knockout thankfully came to my aid.

"The damage was regrettable, my lord, but Eclipse's battle strategy was impressive. She has shown great resolve facing down opponents of equal or greater strength than her own, and her ability to improvise and adapt to each situation is highly valuable."

"Impressive indeed, that I will not deny. But clearly it has only barely been enough. If our little investment is to truly thrive, upgrades will be required. Shockwave, the lab is yours. I expect the necessary modifications to be completed by tomorrow."

"As you wish, my liege."

Sending one final glare my way, Megatron left the lab, each thud of his retreating pedes sounding out my doom. 

"Knockout, prepare Eclipse for stasis once more, and monitor her vitals."

I sent a pleading look in the medic's direction, but his optics only showed a grim resignation to the whole thing. Suddenly, I felt as if I could finally see just how old the doctor really was, the weight of millions of years stacked onto his spark and soul.

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