Chapter 10: I Hate Cheap Knockoffs

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Groaning as I slipped out oof my berth an into the base, the sound of nervous chatter could already be heard emanating from the central hub. It had been five days since the incident with the Insecticon and the Predacon apparently named Eclipse. Bulkhead had been sure to tell me the whole story after I had woken up from stasis.

I still harbored feelings of betrayal and doubt for the team, even Bulkhead, not just for abandoning Miko, but for a lot of things going back millennia. Yet it always warmed my spark that despite all those setbacks and painful memories, my ally chose to stay by my side in times of hardship. Learning that the Predacon was stronger than we initially believed certainly made things a bit more complicated in planning a rescue, but we'd pull through in the end, I had to believe that.

The noise was getting louder, and my processor was starting to scream and me to go back and lie down some more, but I knew I couldn't do that. I had to do something, anything. Agent Fowler was working overtime to get my little midnight stunt cleaned up and away from public human eyes. Until then, I was confined to base, but so far, I couldn't find anything meaningful to do. Hopefully that would change today. 

So, mark me surprised to suddenly find Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee all pointing their blasters at Optimus as if he would jump out and attack them. The Prime looked equally as surprised as me and Ratchet, although the doc did have a look of resignation on his face as though he somewhat expected this type of reaction. Eventually, the rest of the team lowered their blasters, Arcee stepping forward to apologize.

"We're . . . sorry."

"Don't blame them, Prime. I was attacked earlier tonight out on the open highway by a big rig. One that bore a striking resemblance to you." 

"Is anyone gonna catch me up to speed here? Why did any of you think it was a good idea to point weapons at the chief?!"

Finally, the rest of the base seemed to take notice that I was awake.

"Jackie, it's not what it looks like!"

{"It's a misunderstanding!"}

I scowled at the team. They were probably right, this whole thing likely was some big mix up. Still, I figured that by now they would have learned to have more faith in one another. 

"I don't care! You don't just threaten the guy in charge without a damn good reason! If we were talking about the Decepticons pointing weapons at Megatron for coming up with some crazy plan for world domination and suffering, then sure, I'd get it. But Optimus is one of the kindest, most loyal individuals I've ever had the pleasure of knowing."

The jaws of everyone, especially Ratchet, were hanging suitably low. It was extremely rare for me to give out praise to someone in a position of power of my own volition. Even I found myself surprised at my own actions for a bit. But after hearing all that Prime had done, what he'd sacrificed, I had to do this. Hearing from Bulkhead how he spared Eclipse despite knowing logically that she should be terminated cemented that for me. The Prime didn't have a bad circuit in his body.

 "Think of all the good Optimus has done for this planet, all the things he's sacrificed for all of us! Prime doesn't compromise in his will to do good, to BE good! He works to help everyone, and he makes accommodations to better improve himself and the team."

"Jackie, you've never given open approval of anyone in charge-"

"He's not Ultra Magnus, okay?!"

For a moment, I had to collect myself. All optics were still on me, Optimus himself looking rather conflicted.

"He's not Ultra Magnus. Even when Optimus lost all his memories saving this planet from Unicron's awakening, when Megatron tricked Orion Pax into thinking we were the bad guys, Optimus was still in there somewhere. He didn't faulter in the slightest, he followed his spark even if his mind was being tampered with. Optimus would never be tempted to hurting people he's devoted his entire being to protect."

Transformers Prime: EclipseWhere stories live. Discover now