Chapter 2: Reincarnation

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It has been approximately three solar cycles since my arrival aboard the Nemesis, and since Lord Megatron presented me with my newest assignment. While the human natives of this planet are of no particular importance to the Decepticon cause, I wasn't about to disobey a direct order from Lord Megatron. And the opportunity to study and experiment on an alien species was a special privilege I hadn't been granted before. 

The former earthling in my possession seemed generally resigned to her fate, though she was currently displaying several signs of instinctual fear. No matter. Those impulses can be regulated once the final stages of Project Eclipse have been initiated, as soon as Knockout returns with the resources I require. 

The updated files for Project Predacon had been returned to me with altered specifications, one such notation being the name of the project itself, having been altered to Project Eclipse in order to reflect the new designation of the future Predacon in the making. It was of little concern to me, as long as my lord was pleased with the results. So far, the human subject had been through body scans and infused with trace amounts of energon. Naturally, her immune system rejected the fuel at first, but through steady injections and forced exposure, the mutations were gradually being accepted. 

She was certainly not human any longer, though not fully a Predacon either. The final stages would allow me to instantiate the most significant of changes in order to successfully complete the project. Once the doctor had returned with proper scans of the native avian and reptile I had requested, Eclipse could be programmed with her alt mode. Her new T-Cog would handle the rest without requiring her direct input. 

Looking over at my test subject who was currently staring at me in fear from the confines of an incubation tube, I felt my mind running on overdrive. Project Predacon was far superior to this specimen in raw strength, but Lord Megatron specifically greenlit Project Eclipse not only for the chance of having a new super soldier, but also to inflict psychological damage within the Autobot ranks. He would certainly get his wish. Placing my servo on the glass of the tank, I watched as Eclipse backed as far away as possible while I spoke. "You are a most fine specimen. Soon, you will learn to live for Lord Megatron."

The door to the lab opened behind me, and I turned to see the approaching figure of Knockout. "You're late." The doctor merely shrugged. "Some dimwit human decided it was a good idea to scratch my finish, so I made sure to scratch his in kind." I sighed, now well aware of Knockout's ridiculous proclivities. 

"Lord Megatron would be displeased to learn of your outings with the natives of this planet. I would appreciate you delivering me the scans as agreed upon, otherwise I will be forced to inform Lord Megatron of your, distractions." Knockout seemed to grow smaller before me, before muttering up a storm of angry jargon whilst handing me the data pad that contained precisely what I needed. "Thank you." 

Not caring to interact with the medic longer than necessary, I returned to my work, uploading the information into Eclipse via a modified version of our cortical psychic patch equipment. For the next few cycles, Eclipse slept in a medically induced stasis while her processor downloaded the necessary information for the final phase of development. Many vehicons had dropped off energon cubes and metal scrap for me to work with. The specimen would need to absorb a lot of fuel and raw material in order to modify her basic protoform into that of a true beast. 

The transformation was slow and tedious, bits of armor and weapons slowly emerging across the form of the subject. Occasionally stasis would be interrupted by shocks of pain from the subject's adjusting body, but there was nothing to be done about that except to proceed onward. Her stubborn human genetics would give up eventually. Other instances of delay came in the form of Cyber Psychosis, which I shut down as best I could, though even my greatest efforts wouldn't completely rid the specimen of her nightmares. Suddenly, my commlink booted up, and Megatron's voice could be heard. "Shockwave, how goes Project Eclipse?" 

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