Chapter 14: Frankenstein's Monster

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Having been a competent nurse in the medical field for over a decade had helped forge my mind into a steel trap. I'd seen blood and gore most wouldn't be able to stomach on their best day. Even after learning about my son's alien friends and all the trouble he was constantly getting into with them, I was still able to hold onto my own mental faculties once the shock wore off.

But somehow, I doubted that I would be quite as successful this time around. Sure, I believed Optimus and Arcee's accounts of the mysterious Predacon not necessarily being a killing machine like the team had originally thought. And it was scary and strange to be helped by the beast, don't get me wrong. But . . . the fact that it was implying that it was Miko?

I would have laughed if I hadn't been so utterly horrified by the fact that it was actually real. As it stood, all I could do was hold onto Raf while the poor boy sobbed in my arms, the groundbridge fading out of existence behind us. I briefly glanced down to the data drive in my grasp behind Raf.

As soon as Jack told us to grab the drive and Agent Fowler and forget about him, the Predacon had escorted us back to the console and given us the drive free of charge, before ushering us back to the Autobots. And it signed Miko's name sign, in JSL. I'd say that's not a coincidence. 

Judging from the way Raf was shaking uncontrollably, he was of a similar mind. As the Autobots gazed at the two of us in confusion, occasionally looking between themselves for some sort of clarity that only we could provide, I ushered Raf over to Jack.

"Take him for a walk around the base, okay sweetie?"

"Okay sure but is everything okay mom? What happened back there?"

"Not now, Jack. I'll tell you later. Just keep him company, alright."

Turning down to look at Raf, I put a sad smile on my face and pushed my head against his own.

"It's going to be alright. The team will figure something out. You just . . . focus on putting one foot in front of the other for now, okay?"

The unshed tears in the boy's eyes threatened to break my facade, but against the odds, Raf held them back. The news was something completely heartbreaking, world shattering even. But, Raf shouldn't have to be seen breaking down in front of the Autobots, or anyone else without his permission. Jack would be able to help him, I knew he would.

After sending the boys on their way, I handed the data drive to Ratchet and took a seat on the communal couch set atop the catwalk. With the children out of the room, I dropped my calm and collected mask and just let myself quietly sob as I sighed, exhaustion painted over every inch of my skin.

"Nurse Darby, are you well?"

The question felt as if it came from underwater, or beyond a dense fog. My mind was elsewhere, trapped on the Decepticon warship, gazing into an exposed blue optic that was silently crying out for help. A gentle servo found its way to my knee, and I looked up to meet eyes with Arcee as she sent a worried look my way.


I bowed my head in shame and nervousness. Just because the members of Team Prime currently present were adults, millions of years old in fact, didn't mean that they would take this news any better than Raf and I had. No doubt Raf would be telling Jack as well, and I could only imagine how my own son would react, given that he was a central part as to why this was happening. 

I didn't blame him for his initial outburst all those weeks ago of course, it was a long time coming, and no one could have foreseen just what would transpire because of it. But it still ached that my own flesh and blood played a part in all this, and he probably felt a lot worse than I did. But I couldn't hide this forever. Team Prime needed to know the truth. For Miko's sake, if they ever hoped to rescue her, they needed to know what they were really dealing with now.

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