Chapter 21: Ghost in the Shell

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Of course, I knew that there would be objections. I didn't blame anyone on the team for being worried about me. It was a far cry from how this whole thing had started, with them ignoring me out of shame and being left to struggle on my own. I was happy that I had actual support now. 

But I couldn't focus on the words of my comrades, even as they begged me to sit out of the fight, to rest and recover. I knew they wanted to protect me, but I'd already been saved. The members of Team Prime, new and old, had risked their lives for mine more times than I'd ever deserve. Now, it was my turn.

Holding up a servo to silence the voices rising around me, I felt a familiar presence latch onto my spark, my soul. I didn't need to look to know that Suneater was with me, the Wolf Predacon's aura was a comforting grace the likes of which I would never forget. But the soft blue light that illuminated the base around me as the specter coiled around my frame held everyone's attention. It was a sight to behold, like nothing they'd ever seen before. As the ancient wolf settled around me, I took the opportunity to address my friends on my terms.

"All my life, I've grown up with the burdens of others resting on my shoulders. My parents wanted me to surpass them in greatness, to carry on their legacy. My classmates wanted me to remain silent, to accept my role as their scapegoat. My teachers wanted me to disappear from their lives, to quit being a bother to them. I've sacrificed a lot for people who didn't deserve my kindness, my compassion, my spirit. I would give, and give, and get nothing in return. No thanks, no sympathy, no love."

Looking out across the room, I could feel the sadness collecting in the air amongst the awe. June, Jack, and Raf looked especially hurt, since they were more easily able to relate. 

"So, I stopped giving and let go. I rebelled against the world, carving my own path, forging my own future, fighting my own war. But it wasn't until I met you all, that I began to realize that I was only hurting myself. My war wasn't with the world, it was with the person the world was trying to make me. You all taught me that it was okay to be who I wanted."

As I locked optics with everyone, one at a time, I recalled all the memories I'd experienced with each and every individual in this room. The good, the bad, and the heartbreaking. 

"I've seen and listened to each and every one of your struggles. I know who you are, who you strive to be, and every day I'm inspired to keep moving forward. To keep climbing towards that image of the person I want to become."

Moving to stand in front of the groundbridge exit, the vortex having yet to be activated, I felt my whole body burn with fatigue at knowing what horrors were outside. But then I thought of all the lives being taken, the families being torn apart, and the future that would be lost if I were to do nothing. Suddenly, the burning in my spark and across my frame was no longer fueled by exhaustion. It was powered by my rage.

"I know you all want to protect me, to keep me safe. You feel like you've failed me, and that you have to make things right so that we can all forgive one another tomorrow. But if I don't help you stop this apocalypse, there might not be a tomorrow. For any of us."

Clenching my claws together, I turned to the rest of the team, my resolve absolute. On each of the faceplates of the members of Team Prime, I could see similar expressions. Everyone knew that this mission, no matter how well planned out, was almost guaranteed suicide. But we had to try.

"From this day forward, there is no more hiding. M.E.C.H. has changed the future of this world, one way or another. It's up to us to make sure that tomorrow, the Sun shines brighter than today. Humanity may praise us as saviors, or they may scorn us, damn us to Hell, or they may not know what to feel. But we do not need to be remembered. All that matters, is that we were here, and we chose to fight back against the horde of darkness to give the world a glimmer of hope again."

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