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"Don't worry, Estella! The first day of school is usually the easiest." 

"Gregory, I'm not worried, simply not excited." 

The Havisham twins made their ways through the entrance of their new school Yardale, which was considered one of the most prestigious schools in the world. Their parents had only the highest of expectations for the two, and they had no choice but to live up to them. 

"But how could you not be excited for this?! We're going to a new school! We'll get to make plenty of new friends and face lots of new opportunities!" Gregory exclaimed. 

"The only opportunity I'm hoping for is the opportunity to kill a man." replied Estella. 

Gregory let out an awkward laugh while admiring their new school. "You're hilarious."

"I'm not joking." 

The blondes stared at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time before they reached a staircase leading to their dormitories. 

"Well-" Gregory coughed, "we had better head to our dorm rooms to unpack our things- I believe our rooms are on different floors so we separate here." 

"Good. I've had enough of your presence." Estella said. She took all of her things and went up to her floor. 


Gregory sighed, also heading to his room. He swore he and Estella loved each other- they just didn't always see eye to eye. He went up his staircase in a rush, excited to see who his roommate would be. His hand reached the doorknob and he quickly turned it to open the door, but to his dismay his roommate hadn't arrived yet. 

"Goddammit-" he mumbled to himself. "Why did I have to get here so early-" 

Gregory quickly jumped as he felt a hand touch his shoulder. He whipped his head around and was very surprised to see another boy with hair the same blonde as his, a clean teal jacket, and a big smile. 

"Oh- uhm- hello-" Gregory said, doing his best to compose himself. 

"Hi! Is this your room too?" the stranger asked. 

Gregory nodded. "It is. I suppose we're roommates then?" 

"Oh man, it seems like it!" the other said excitedly. "My name's Gary." 

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Gary. I'm Gregory." Gregory replied, already certain that he and Gary would be great friends. The two shook hands, entered their dorm room, and quickly began unpacking. They were getting along great- until their was a loud knock on their door. 

"I'll get it-" Gregory said. He walked to the door and opened it, seeing a shorter boy covered in dirt and holding a lit cigarette in his hand. "Hello- is there a problem?" 

"Oui," the boy replied in a thick French accent, "you are too loud. Giving me a headache." 

"Oh. I'm terribly sorry. I'm assuming you live next door?" Gregory questioned. 

The other simply nodded. "Sadly. The walls are thin." 

"Well I apologize for that, although I don't believe the thin walls are my fault- or that my 'loud' voice is the primary source of your headache." Gregory replied, staring at the cigarette. "Isn't smoking banned here?" 

The brunette shrugged. "Don't know. Don't care. Now shut up, Greg, or I'll bash your head in." 

"How did you know my na-" 

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