Destruction And Lost Hope

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Mole grunted, once again being interrupted by a knock on the door while he was trying to watch a giraffe documentary late at night. He groggily got up and opened the door just to see Gregory and Gary in front of him. 

"Mole, we desperately need your help. This is an emergency for La Resistance." Gregory immediately stated. 

Mole blinked tiredly. "What do you want?" 

Gary replied, looking a bit scared. "The school has been building something really dangerous that could kill a lot of people."

Mole stared at Gary. "Holy shit. That's kind of cool. Do you think it'll kill me?" 

Gregory sighed. "This is serious, Mole. We need to stop it and find a way to destroy it." 

Rolling his eyes and grabbing his shovel, Mole replied, "Fine. What do we need to do?" 

"I was planning on us attempting to sneak into Headmistress Victoria's office again to find information, then using the information we find to destroy the machine." Gregory said, having planned this all out within the short amount of time he'd had between Gary telling him about the emergency and now. 

The other two agreed to the plan. It was decided that Gregory and Mole would sneak in while Gary kept watch. They carefully made their way to the private office, hoping they could save everyone. 

Upon arrival, Gregory and Mole successfully opened the door this time and entered. 

"You check in the files on the shelves and I'll look in the desk." Gregory said. Mole nodded and began searching. 

For a long while, neither of them had found anything relevant. After much more searching, though, Mole has found something he thought could be important. He mentioned it, and Gregory quickly rushed over to see. 

Gregory could only stare at the file before him. It talked about how the robot was built and it's history. The one thing he couldn't take his eyes off of was the names of the former students who started the project. 

His parents. 

It was not only his parents, though. It was also the parents of Mole, Pip, Gary, Leslie, and Mark and Rebecca. 

"Our fucking parents started this?" Gregory questioned. 

"Apparently." Mole replied. "This is why parents are horrible people. Never can be trusted." 

Gregory simply stood for a moment, jaw dropped. He didn't know how to process this information. He had already figured Gary's parents helped with it, but- his own parents as well? Mole was right. Parents weren't trustworthy. How could he simply go home after the school year was over? 

"Why would they start this project? It's horrible." Gregory asked, his answer quickly being questioned by the next page in the file. The page said the robot was government funded and made to be a machine for war. It was being built at the school because of its highly knowledgeable students and it's many resources. 

"This is so fucked up." Mole said. 

"I know- but we need to get to the point. How do we destroy the damn thing?" Gregory asked, not wanting to take too long. 

Mole pointed to one of the pages in the file which talked about the way it was built and it's strengths and weaknesses. It said the robot wasn't waterproof and was, in fact, very sensitive to liquids. 

"Well then," Gregory started, his questions answered, "Let's go destroy it." 


Mark watched as his sister and Pip got squished by the large robot and Dogpoo slowly lost control. He had known the barely see-through windows would become a problem, but didn't think they would kill his damn sister. 

He desperately wanted to run over to his sister's body and cry, but he couldn't. He had quickly learned the risks of even going near the robot. There was nothing he could do. 

For a minute he had the realization that he could try to shut down the robot from the outside, but none of the outside controls seemed to be working. He then wondered if the inside controls were working either. From the way the robot was swaying as it walked and hitting and destroying many objects in its path, Mark assumed they weren't. Considering how much training Dogpoo had done before this, the destruction couldn't be his fault. 

Mark sighed. He thought whoever designed this thing must've been a real dumbass. . 

He didn't know his parents had designed it. 

Then, only making matters worse, Mark saw Gregory, Mole, and Gary running towards him. Gary was carrying a large bucket of water. 

"We need to destroy this thing before it kills someone." Gregory stated once he got within speaking distance of Mark. "This water will make it shut down." 

Mark laughed irritatedly. "First of all, it has killed people if you can't tell." he said, nodding towards the crushed bodies near them. "Second, we can't do that. Dogpoo is inside of there driving it- the water will make the power surge through the robot and electrocute him." 

"Goddammit." Gregory said. "It should've been you in there." 

Mark scoffed. "Shut up. We have more important issues right now." 

"How else can we destroy it? We can't let it kill anyone else." Gary questioned. 

"I don't know. I can't shut it off from the outside and it seems like Dogpoo has lost control on the inside." Mark replied. 

"We're fucked." said Mole. 

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