Hallway Conversations

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Estella confidently strutted through the halls of the school, knowing that eventually she would break the heart of every student here. It was the first day of classes and she had already asked 14 men out on fake dates. They would show up at some random restaurant kilometers away just to find out that she was never planning on showing up. 

Breaking hearts was her favorite pastime. 

She was having an amazing morning until her irritating brother decided to run up to her. "Hello Estella! How has school been for you?" 

Estella sighed. "I suppose I don't hate it as much as I thought I would, but it's still horrible." 

"Well that's certainly a good start! I'm sure you'll learn to love it." Gregory replied. Estella was sure she wouldn't, but she didn't want to argue right now. 

The two walked in the hallways for a moment before some stranger walked up to them. 

"Hey cutie." they said. "Wanna go out on a date?"

Estella smiled and prepared to set up another fake date. "I would love to-" 

"I'm not talking to you." they replied defensively. Estella was confused before she remembered she had been walking with her brother. 

"Who are you talking to then?" Gregory asked cluelessly. 

"You." the stranger flatly stated. 

The twins simply stared in shock for a minute before both starting to ramble about why Gregory would not want to go on a date with them. Some things they said were- "He wouldn't want to go out on a date with you you ugly ape's anus!" "I don't see why you would want to start a relationship so quickly- I barely know you and you barely know me-" "It's absolutely absurd that you'd even suggest such a thing! I should go and kill you and your whole family right now!" "Murder is a bit excessive- but please do leave me alone." "Hurry up and go away! Don't you have better things to do?" "Don't take it personally!" 

The stranger, scared for themself and their family, quickly left. 

Gregory sighed. "I've had too many people ask me out already. I want to date someone for their personality- not just for fun." 

"I suppose we're both just too attractive for our own good." Estella said. 

"But- I don't get it! Why are so many people already in love with me?" Gregory questioned, exasperated. 

"Because you're hot." said a familiar voice. Gregory looked behind him and saw Mole looking back annoyedly. "I mean- don't take this the wrong way-  I don't think you're hot- just- everyone else seems to- and- it's stupid because you're so annoying- and still so loud-" Mole sighed, blushing a bit. "I should stop talking. I'm leaving now. Shut up." 

As Mole left, Gregory looked back to Estella, confused. 

"That was weird." was all Estella said. 


Pocket watched as the boy he later found out was named "Mole" walked away from the Havishams. He knew he had to make sure this guy wasn't up to any funny business with the twins, so he followed him. 

Mole, always being aware of his surroundings, caught on to Pocket following him rather quickly. "What the fuck do you want?" 

"I want to know your relations with Gregory Havisham! I know you've been talking to him." Pocket accused, trying to be professional. 

"Greg? I hate him. He's annoying. He never shuts up. Every time I'm around him I get a horrible headache, I feel like I'll throw up, and I get very overheated!" 

Pocket stared at Mole for a second. "Those sound like the physical symptoms of a crush." 

Mole's jaw dropped. He was beyond offended- he was repulsed! "No! I do not have a crush on stupid Gregory! He's irritating!" 

"Hmmm..." Pocket started, "I don't believe you. But whatever- as long as nothing bad happens between you two, this will all be easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy." 

Mole sighed and left. He didn't have a crush on Gregory. He would never. 


Lunchtime came, and Damien decided to eat in the hallway. He really didn't feel like sitting by a bunch of idiots and being involved in conversations he didn't want to hear. Sadly, his plan backfired. Some stupid blonde boy with a hat Damien thought was really ugly had the same idea as him. 

"Hello! Are you eating in the hallway too?" the boy asked. 

"Well I was going to-" Damien started. 

"Oh please do stay! It's quite lonely out here-" 

Damien huffed and sat next to the boy. He was hoping he could just ignore the idiot for the rest of lunch. The boy was hard to ignore with his irritating British accent, though. 

"My name is Phillip- but everyone calls me Pip." 

"Why would they call you Pip? Do they hate you or something?" Damien questioned, internally bullying Pip. 

"I suppose many people do-" Pip explained. "But I don't mind! It's only opinions." 

"Well I'll call you Pip then." Damien said. 

"Right-o" Pip said without a care that Damien was already implying that he hates him. 

The two sat in silence for a bit, eating their food. 

Damien then decided interrogating Pip would be fun. 

"Are you French?" 

Pip stared at Damien for a moment, offended. "No, I am not French. I'm British. Besides, I hate French people." 

Then Damien thought it would be funny to bully the British. 

"Are you drinking tea?" Damien asked judgingly. 

"Yes- I am! I quite love tea!" Pip happily answered. "Would you like to try a sip?" 

"Fuck no." Damien said. "I hate British shit." 

"Oh." Pip said. "Well it's still good to try things!" 

Damien was really starting to get sick of Pip talking. "I really didn't ask, Frenchie" He got up, took his food, and left. 

Pip was a bit disappointed that he couldn't make another new friend, but he moved on with his day. 

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