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Pip knew he was dead. He had accepted it the second he felt the large foot crushing him. He was prepared for this moment- everyone dies eventually, anyways. 

He knew he would die. He had overheard Damien and Satan talking about it. At first he was scared, but he soon realized that he was given an opportunity to make the most of his last moments. He would be kind to everyone and make as many friends as he could. 

Once Damien started being nicer to him, he was overjoyed. Pip assumed it was entirely because Damien felt bad about the fact that Pip would die soon, but he didn't care. All that mattered was that someone seemed to care about Pip. He was happy to die if it meant he would temporarily have a friend. 

Pip was grateful for everyone he had met, including Damien, Pocket, and the anxious barista at the coffee shop. He had learned that being grateful and enjoying the little things in life made it a million times better. He had started loving every little thing: sipping tea with Damien, the morning sun lighting up their faces, the Sprite can that they had always brought with them- everything. Every tiny moment that Pip had spent alive was precious. He may be dead now, but he was alive when he was with Damien. He was alive when he had made plans with Pocket to protect the Havisham twins. He had lived a good life at Yardale, and hoped that all of his other classmates knew to enjoy the little things while they still could. 

Pip knew he would die and lose Damien, and that's why he so badly wanted to go to the coffee shop every morning. Seeing Damien every day gave him a feeling of great comfort. He knew that on the day he died, he could've at least seen Damien one more time that morning.

In another world where things were perfect, Pip would be sitting with Damien and drinking tea whilst Damien rambled about how difficult it is to be the prince of hell. In a perfect world, Pip and Damien would laugh until tea shot out of their noses. In a perfect world, Pip would knock on Damien's dorm room door again to bring him more cinnamon tea. In a perfect world, they would still be together. But this wasn't a perfect world. Neither Damien or Pip was perfect, and that's why they were perfect for each other. Because no world is perfect, they must be apart. 

Pip wasn't lonely. He was with Dogpoo, Rebecca, and the Sprite can in the afterlife. He had felt as if a part of him was missing, though. Damien wasn't there with him. Pip had lost Damien just like Damien had lost Pip. 

One time in heaven, Dogpoo asked Pip, "Do you really think it's over for us?" 

Pip replied, smiling, "No, I don't think so." 

// hey everyone! thank you all so much for reading this, i've had lots of fun writing it. in case you didn't notice, this is not the only story in this series, there are two others. if you're interested, go read those. just saying this to make sure nobody misses out. love you all!

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